Crossing the 6 month mark

@rosetyler Same here, feeling frustrated as about to cross birthday month mark and still nothing! Also benched this cycle (and 2 other cycles previously) so it’s extra annoying. Feel your pain
@rosetyler I just crossed the line into Cycle 7 this week, feeling pretty down about it. 6 months is a long time in any other context, and you are so right about the increased effort not equalling increased output. My inner overachiever is very disappointed.
@stefy It took one of my gfs 10 months to get pregnant, and she identifies as an overachiever as well. I asked her how she coped and she said she stopped “trying” to get pregnant. She said the first 6 months they tried to do everything “right” but that set her up to feel like she could “fail” at something she was putting effort into. After 6 months they decided they would pee on the stick, have sex a few times in the window, and other than that, live their lives. Obviously easier said than done, but I do think I’ve let too much of my life and too many of my decisions revolve around TTC, so it’s started to feel like something I’m putting effort into and failing at, rather than something I’m trying each month that has random odds to it. So I think moving forward I’m going to try my best to just live my life. Hard not to grasp at control but maybe it’ll help our inner over achievers.
@rosetyler The best thing I can recommend is talking it out with friends or a good therapist. If you don’t end up conceiving by the 12 month mark, it’s likely your infertility will be “unexplained” since your testing has already come back clear. That in itself is difficult to cope with because it makes decisionmaking about treatment harder than if your infertility is caused by a known physical issue.

Like everyone else has said though, there’s still a very good chance you’ll conceive soon! Managing your mental health can be the hardest part of all this and I don’t think the anxiety really goes away once you’re pregnant. Best of luck to you!
@rosetyler I’m on my 13th cycle (but in my 11th month of trying) and I recall 6 months being so difficult. Something about reaching the half year mark and reading that the vast majority of couples have conceived by then was scary. However I find it calming now that I can accept that we will most likely need some assistance.

If you check out BFP threads in this subreddit, you will see there are plenty of people that conceive in cycles 7-8. It seems like there are less people that conceive between cycles 10-12. I think it’s because if you’ve nearly reached the one year mark then it’s more likely that there’s something wrong/you will most likely need some assistance.
@christina446 I know you’re right, there are so many stories of it happening after the 6 month mark, it’s just hard to hear that we’re later than 80% of couples and not worry. I love what you said about finding it calming that you’ve accepted you might need assistance. I know there’s still a chance we’ll conceive naturally, but I also think it might help to try to accept that if we need assistance, that’s ok. We’re lucky to have fertility assistance covered by our insurance, and at the end of the day all that matters is we end up with a healthy baby. The how or the when doesn’t matter in the end but it’s so hard not to get stuck on that or fearful when the path ahead feels different than what we expected.
@rosetyler I totally feel you. I felt that exact same way around the 6 month mark. The 9 month mark was also very difficult. However, chances are that you won’t “make it” to 12 month mark and that you’ll achieve success before then. I see plenty of posts of people achieving success in the 7-8 month mark in the BFP thread
And if not then you can pursue fertility treatment. We’re pursuing IUI now and I’m kind of relieved that we no longer have to put so much pressure on ourselves each month to hit the fertile window. It feels much more under control than trying unassisted.

I would recommend getting in touch with an RE at the 10 month mark because it can take a couple of months to get an appointment with them.
@rosetyler This month is my 6th month and I’m in my TWW. If it fails this month, I also feel like I’m losing hope as I was almost counting of the stats that I’ll get pregnant within 6 months. I’m also expecting a negative at this point :(
@rosetyler The math ain't mathing here, I am quite certain that after the 6 months mark, half the couples who haven't conceived will succeed in the next 6 months !
@rosetyler The 6-month mark was very hard for me too. While I sadly miscarried the pregnancy (not related to time to conception), I conceived at the 10-month mark after no positives up until then. It sucks to be on the “bad side” of common statistics, but being within a year is still very normal! Fingers crossed it happens for you soon.
@rtd2 Having also just crossed the 6 month mark, it’s encouraging to see how many people end up going on to conceive after it!! It always feels like everyone conceives by month 6 and that just isn’t the case in reality
@rosetyler Thanks for posting ❤️ It's been 6 months exactly today since I went off HBC and have only had 3 periods (more like spotting) and no confirmed lh peak or temp rise. I have an appointment next week with my GYN for my regular annual exam but asked to add on blood work/hormone panel.

I fully expected this because several women in my family also had issues TTC (my mom included) but it's still incredibly frustrating. I have no idea if this is my body's normal or residual effects of 15 years of HBC.

My parents had me at 36 after (and before) several miscarriages so I at least am reassured by the fact that I'm not alone and still have so much time (husband & I are 29) in comparison. But ugh a small part of me really thought, oh I'm only 29 that might not be my experience 🤪
@rosetyler I don't have advice but wanted to chime in and say we are in a similar boat and finished six months. Both of us are not super fit, but in a reasonable shape, don't smoke, limited drinking etc. We are now getting into the rabbit hole of using non-toxic products, almond milk etc

I really don't know what else to do, which makes it frustrating.
@rosetyler We also just crossed the 6 month mark. I was devastated. I’m so grateful this sub exists and all you women who are open. It helps a lot knowing we aren’t alone.
@rosetyler If I were you, I’d get that inconclusive tube checked out! My right tube is open and my left is too small around for an embryo to fit through (my RE thinks I was just born that way). The unfortunate part is my left ovary is dominant and keeps putting out the egg. We’ve been doing letrozole to “wake up” the right ovary. My HSG came out inconclusive and they did an SHG that they felt more confident about.
@katrina2017 Agh I know you’re probably right, but the HSG was SO traumatic for me. Have never felt pain like that in my life. RE said based on where the block was (right at the opening to the uterus) it was likely a spasm, but no way to know without doing it again. But it hadn’t even occurred to me that the issue could be a dominant left ovary so I’ll definitely think about it.
@rosetyler My HSG was so traumatic too. I had my SHG done at the RE office instead of the radiology department at the hospital and it was such a different experience. They also prescribed me a Valium beforehand that helped a lot. It could not be a dominant ovary, just wanted to give an example of how a blocked tube could cause some difficulties unknowingly