Could I be pregnant? Combination pill + pullout


New member
Very worried since we never use condoms. But I take all my pills on time (have an alarm for it that goes off everyday) and haven’t missed any pills or puked or anything. I was on Tylenol for 3-4 days but that was it. Last we had unprotected sex where he cummed outside me was May 6.

My period is supposed to be here today but hasn’t yet. For the past 5 months I’ve always gotten my period on the second last Monday of the month, which is today. It’s only 7 pm so I hope I get it tonight.

I took two pregnancy tests and they were both negative (one of them was the test 6 days early) but again my last u protected sex where he came was May 9.

He’s never cum inside me, he pulls out and I’m on top of my combo pills. Very scared though.

Edit: got my period at night. I’m just impatient and anxious I guess lol
@xmysticgohanx The pill thins the lining of the uterus, so it’s possible to have minimal or even no bleeding while taking it. A pregnancy test is most accurate 3 weeks after sex, regardless of bleeding.
@njones36159 How possible is it to get pregnant on the pill? I’ve been on the pill for 2 years 3 months now. As far as I know this year I’ve never missed any pill and I have an alarm to remind me to take my pill on time. Max I’ve been late an hour.
@njones36159 To explain this a little more, that figure comes from the amount of people who get pregnant per year while using the pill as their only birth control. So for people using the pill perfectly, less than 1 in 100 people become pregnant per year; when it is used typically, about 9 people become pregnant per year.

Since you say you take your pills on time, you’d fall into the “perfect use” category. You are also using the withdrawal method on top of your combo pill so you’ll even jump above that 99.7% effectiveness. Your changes of pregnancy are quite low!
@njones36159 So it looks like Combination OCP + Withdrawal = 99.98% effective with perfect use - 97.6% effective with typical use.

I’m guessing withdrawal means pull out? With typical use, it is still 97.6
@xmysticgohanx Your method is extremely effective so it is unlikely, and periods often vary, having a period come a few days late or early is not uncommon and really isn't a reason to panic, worry should only arise completely missing a period (Asin the whole typical seven day window has gone by with nothing), and even then hormonal birth control can sometimes lead to a lack of period. Now you are only a few hours later than normal, it is not time to panic.
@xmysticgohanx I would say not unless you didn’t get your period a week after your expected period date, I won’t worry about it too much. I also had the same experience as you but I did get my period 2 days late and sometimes 3 days late. As long as you take your pills properly, you should still be protected.

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