Contact sleep


New member
2nd baby and recovering from a c section, and feeling guilty that i'm doing significantly less contact napping with my newborn (almost 2 weeks) than I did w my toddler. It's just different this time around, and I l'm torn because I need to engage my toddler as well.

Is it terrible that my newborn does no contact.sleep overnight? I used to cuddle for hours with my toddler in the rocking chair.
@gtanders I think this is a lot more common with second (and subsequent) kiddos. I even stopped breastfeeding my second early because I could not emotionally juggle both easily. It’s definitely a different relationship than I had with my first, but it’s not worst, just different. My first babe was, and is, a crap sleeper. My second babe, 6 months now, is an amazing sleeper and I swear part of it because she’s had to get used to sleeping on her own.

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