Confusing Miscarriage


New member
I started lightly bleeding and some spotting a couple days ago went to the hospital had a threatened Miscarriage I stopped bleeding for a day. I started lightly spotting again. I woke up today and I started bleeding decently heavily for a pregnancy. I cramped. I went back to the ER. They told me I had a miscarriage. I went to the obgyn afterwards and gave me an ultrasound Again and the baby still had a heartbeat but it’s only 105bpm. They said it supposed to be 110 or higher. My HCG levels didn’t double they were from 10,000 to 14,000 in 48 hours but the baby is measuring up fine ( I’m supposed to be 6 weeks 1 day it measured to that exactly.) It still has a heartbeat it’s just slower than it should be …I’m still bleeding and cramping. I go back on Friday for more hCG levels and another ultrasound Wednesday to see if the baby is still there .the doctors and everything don’t know what’s going on. They said it’s really hard telling as of right now, the baby still has a heartbeat.. but they said they don’t know if it will in a hour or tomorrow ….I just left OBgyn in a fews hours ago.I’m bed resting like the doctor said too… I don’t know if Im for sure miscarrying or if somethings gonna be OK. i’m going insane. The ER said I misscarried but my obgyn said she doesn’t know but I’m at high risk about 95% out of 100% I’m gonna loose my baby…. Im so broken…
@redeemed2007 It's so anxiety-inducing to have to sit and wait, but honestly that's all you can do... Wait for the next hcg and ultrasound to clarify if the pregnancy is still going strong. I wish you all the best!