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Hello I am 30(f) husband (39).
We meet at church and feel inlove after 6 months the married at 10 months. We have 2 girls 9 & 6.
For the past 10 years f our relationship he was in my eyes a good man. But because I never gave him a motive and I was always home raising my girls. But for the past 3 years things have changed.

Once he got his papers:
He gave me a black eye
Kicked me in my stomach
Throw food at my face
Gets drunk & aggressive
Emotionally cheated on me by text (that I know of)
Some infront of my daughters
Always not trusting me & getting jealous I work out & telling me I’m going to cheat.

So due to this repetition after a year I had an affair that was on and off for 2 years. And have had other incounters with 3 other men.

I’m not proud of what Ive done but I have noticed I cheat out of anger & revenge. My girls love their dad but I’m no longer love nor respect him.

I have already filled for a divorce and my husband is convinced he can change & seek help. But I have a big dark secret I’ve been hiding. What should I do?

Come clean ?
Just divorce ?