Confused on ultrasound results


New member
I thought I had a partial/slight bicornate uterus since my first ultrasound in 2010. I had 4 ultrasounds between 2010 and my last one in 2019 due to endometriosis and suspected cysts. However after looking at the record i requested im guessing I have a septate uterus 🤷‍♀️ Hoping to get some insight from you lovely people

My uterus measures 6.9 x 2.5 x 4.1 cm with a 1.6 cm septum. There is a normal fundal contour between these uterine cornu without any indentation consistent with a septate uterus. The endometrial stripe measures 0.3-0.4 cm throughout and is uniform. Everything else is "unremarkable " (laughed at that one, which im guessing is a good thing). In all 4 ultrasounds they never mentioned difficulties getting pregnant or need for surgery.

Just wondering if other people have had something similar and how difficult it was to conceive and/or carry to term. I have endometriosis and am 30 so I already feel time is ticking. Thanks in advance!
@beaniebabie2 In my experience, patients with endo have a harder time getting pregnant than patients with a septate. Endo is easier to treat too with medication. Ask your doctor about doing a round of Lupron before the next cycle you attempt. Could be beneficial.
@cfranco Thank you so much for your response! I had a laparoscopy which found that I was stage 1-2. I was on medication to supress afterwards and just recently came off. I have an appointment in 6 months, so if needed I'll definitely bring up lupron. Thank you so so much!