condom broke and he came inside me, and i took a plan B an hour after. Next day the tip of the condom came out of me... what do i do?


New member
Should I take another plan B? he came inside me and i peed and washed off everything from my body and then got a plan B an hour after everything happened... but the next day the tip of the condom came out of me... i am really worried and this is the first time this happened please help. thank you everything

Update: not pregnant! also ty to everyone who helped and scolded me lol. ty for teaching a little more abt sex
@jalin No, you don’t need another Plan B pill. The sperm is all from the same sexual encounter, and thus have the same life expectancy of up to five days. So even if there was some sperm remaining in the tip of the condom that came out, and it made itself inside the cervix it wouldn’t live any longer than the sperm that made its way inside the previous day when the condom broke. Plan B does not work on the sperm itself, but works by delaying when your body ovulates. If, for instance, you’d had sex another time today and he had come inside of you - that would warrant another Plan B. That would be two separate sexual encounters with two sets of sperm with different life expectancies.
Might I also suggest checking the condoms that you are using. Condoms shouldn’t usually break when used properly. They may be expired, or they may not be a great fit for your partner.

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