Close call this morning but can’t figure out how


New member
I had a very close suffocation call this morning but have been racking my brain trying to figure out how it happened. My son is 9wks, he mostly sleeps in the crib at night but we will cosleep in the very early hours of the morning. We are following all safe sleep 7 guidelines—I nurse him, we sleep on a firm Japanese style futon on the floor, I’m in the c curl, he’s on his back, and I have my blanket wrapped around my legs so it can’t slide up.

Earlier this morning I was woken up when I felt fists against my side and a muffled cry. I opened my eyes and my LO had his face squished against my breast, and I had to roll him onto his back to allow him to breathe. But here’s the weird part…I was still in the c curl (maybe tipped a little forward) and my LO is strong enough to roll from side to side (I’ve seen him do it in the crib). The mattress is also firm enough that he can’t accidentally slide into me and not be able to get out.

I can’t figure out WHY he couldn’t just roll away and it’s spooked me into not wanting to cosleep again. The only difference today was he was in a sleep sack and I’m not sure if that restricted his movement. I know you’re not supposed to swaddle them but are sleep sacks / wearable blankets off limits too?
@porcelainchild I totally understand how that experience would be scary, but also want to point out that you woke up! You felt his fists and heard his little cry and were roused enough to make sure he was ok. That’s a really positive thing and shows your connection to your little guy.
@porcelainchild I’ve woken up quite a few times with my 8 week old on her side pressed against me. The first time it scared me, and like you describe, I thought she was squished against me and couldn’t breathe. But then I realized she rolls towards me on her side and is just rooting (very actively!). Is it possible this was what happened with your son?
@porcelainchild OP, I highly recommend ditching the sleep sack. Sleep sacks are fine for crib sleep, but they do slightly hinder movement. When bedsharing, you don’t want ANYTHING to hinder your baby’s ability to move around, even a little. Go for some warmer pjs if you’re worried about getting too hot. I’m sorry you had a scary experience!
@porcelainchild That’s our routine every night when I bring mine in from the crib, I just zip off her sleep sack because it’s too much for cosleeping with the temperature of our room. But it keeps her comfortable when she’s in the crib.
@porcelainchild Sometimes they like to get right in there for comfort. My LO loves to sleep on his side right up against me. I’m constantly checking if his nose has room so he can breathe but he loves to fall asleep right there 🤷🏽‍♀️
@porcelainchild I slept with my top arm draped over my stomach and my palm planted firmly between my baby’s body and my chest for this reason. Sounds like you are good at staying still when you sleep so maybe it could work for you too! You’ll feel the baby rolling into your hand/wrist and it blocks them from getting too close to your body without you knowing.
@porcelainchild My baby rolls side two side since before 8 weeks. At first she kind of did it by accident. She did very sporadically. Now at 12 weeks she rolls basically every time I put her on the play mat and will be in a completely different position every time.
@porcelainchild He didn't roll away because he's 9 weeks old, they can't figure out "if I move away, I'll be able to breathe". Sorry this happened to you. Could you possibly move further away when he's done nursing? What do you mean by Japanese style futon? What kind? Could you wait til they are older to bedshare?
@porcelainchild A few weeks ago I was looking into buying a Japanese futon and I found a few on Amazon. I uploaded a picture here and was recommended not to get because it wasn’t a smooth surface, the ones I found on Amazon have a lot of indentations.