Cleaning toys

@fez This is super useful, and sounds great. I'm not in the US though so I have no idea if I can actually find it here... from what I read on the website you linked, it's something that goles bad quickly so what you actually buy are several things to mix up at home?? Is there a simple explanation about what those things are?
@bpf53 Well, the machine runs a current through a mix of water, vinegar, and salt to cause a chemical reaction, so I don’t know that you can do that without a machine of some kind. But there are other brands of machines, so hopefully you can find one that is available in your country. Best of luck!
@fez Oh I didn't realize you needed the machine in your house to do that, probably super hard to find here but I'll look and see what I can find!! Thanks for explaining jt!
@fab01 I used the spray for my breast pump. Medela has a spray and go sanitizer spray to spray the parts between washes to sanitize it. So I used it for toys too. Maybe someone here can tell me if that wasn’t the smartest? My toddler eats floor snacks so it doesn’t really matter to me either way.
@fab01 There’s a reason bleach is the sanitizing agent of choice for daycares everywhere; sodium hypochlorite breaks down quickly when exposed to air and light. It will be totally safe by morning.

Fact sheet from my state’s daycare licensing board on cleaning with bleach spray:

Make sure you are just using plain bleach mixed into water. You don’t want a super-fancy spray with bonus cleaning agents and scents and all.
@fab01 I wouldn't clean them. Since it's their own germs, they cannot get sick from those objects. I would clean them with soapy water then rinsing, or using the dishwasher, only if they were visibly dirty and greasy, or if another sick kid had come to play with them.
@chasitycase Copy. There’s snot on. Them for sure so I’d at least like to get some of that off. They aren’t super visibly coated but I saw wet stringy hands grabbing many toys
@fab01 Yucky lol :p Ok then I'd use HOT soapy water, then rinse in clear water, or put them in the dishwasher (without any "high heat" option because they could melt... my preferred method is by hand for this reason honestly).

Nothing that you could "spray and forget" would remove the grime.
@chasitycase I usually use hand method but I’m recovering from carpal tunnel surgery and I could only hand wash about three dishes yesterday before I had to call it quits lol
@fab01 F10 disinfectant is a veterinary disinfectant and is safe to use around all mammals, birds (which are extra sensitive to chemicals), and reptiles (also extra sensitive to chemicals). So that would probably be safe.
@chasitycase The active ingredient is quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) which is food safe, so you don't have to rinse it but of course you are always welcome to do so to be extra sure.
@fab01 10 ml of bleach in 500 ml of water. Spray and forget. Bleach breaks down quickly in water so it’s completely safe for kids. Bleach also kills everything completely in one minute at that concentration. You do have to make up a new bottle every day