C section mom’s with apron belly


New member
Did you use silicone bandages to help with scarring? Was your belly an issue? I’m just curious if it’s worth investing in some of the silicone bandages
@annointed620 i only used the strips they give you to keep it dry and my scar is unnoticeable (under the apron ofc). the only issue i had was when i didn’t have my husband change my dressing quickly enough and it got too moist. before my C i never had any type of under belly rash but it’s been 4 years and occasionally if it gets moist under there i’ll get a bit of a rash but aquaphor clears it right up.
@annointed620 All I did was wash the area and air it out once a day by laying on my back and lifting up my belly.

My doctor somehow stitched me up internally and then put glue over the incision. It healed perfectly and I never had any issues.

When I washed, I washed with dove sensitive soap, rinsed it off, and dried off. For drying it off, I bought wash cloths that were only used for my incision. I placed the wash cloth in between my belly and the incision and let it sit there until it was dry (like 2 minutes). I feel like that helped a lot!
@annointed620 I had my second C-section 2 and a half weeks ago and at first I used this cloth stuff they gave me at the hospital under my stomach against the incision to keep it dry but kept forgetting so all I do now is wash every day with antibacterial soap and pat dry well. At my 2 week appointment dr said the incision looked great. It helps that it’s cold outside now so I’m not doing much sweating
@annointed620 Idk what silicone bandages are but I just did the after care they told me which was leave the dressing and then peel the the first but after a few days and that was that. It’s been two years and honestly I don’t think anyone else would be able to tell I had a csec (besides a dr obviously)
@annointed620 I had an emergency c section 2 weeks ago. My ob used steri strips on top of the stitches, and I had the strips removed at my 1 week incision check.
I only had a bandage on it for the first 36ish hours until I showered, the nurses said it would be easiest to remove it in the shower instead of before.
So far so good without any bandages. I’m wearing high waisted or maternity underwear and pants so I don’t have any pressure on the incision. I dont know yet what scarring I’ll have, but my ob said as long as it keeps healing how it is, it won’t be bad.
@annointed620 I received this device that’s called a wound pack that suctions onto the wound and continues to vacuum for a week. It was amazing. My facility, a Kaiser hospital, claimed they were using it for mothers with a bit more weight on the front end to reduce infection and help healing. It was a game changer. I didn’t have to wash it or clean it, and it was water proof so I could shower without issue.