C-section, late milk supply in, mastitis, antibiotics and now diarrhea


New member
It's never one thing at a time, is it? I guess this post is just a rant.
I was unable to look after my baby effectively for the first 5-6 days after pp because of c-section. Then, i couldn't breastfeed my baby because my milk had not come in. Then my milk came in with a force and my sweet angel cat passed away so I was devastated and my milk fluctuated, then i got mastitis, had to use antibiotics because i was getting really sick and i am the main caretaker of the baby. I was starting to feel good yday and i thought the grey clouds are parting and now antibiotic related massive diarrhea hit us (me and the baby both). l am so desperately trying to keep it together but I am tired man, i want to feel normal again.
@smithe7 Oh goodness. It feels hard because it is hard. I’m sure you’re doing a great job and your baby knows they’re loved which is all that matters. It will get easier and then hard again and then easier. As soon as you figure out one thing they’ll switch it up on you. You got this!