C section almost 3 weeks ago. Not sure if I will or can produce more milk


New member
Im breastfeeding and formula feeding. Baby girl goes between bottle and breast easily and latches. I feed her breast as much as I can during day around 3 feedings. I also hand pump 2x a day , would do more if it wasnt such a process to re sterilize. When i do pump i can get around 1 to 3 oz in a sitting. My question is should I invest in an electric pump? Start taking supplements? I ordered fenugreek and was looking at flaxseed oil capsules. If i try an electric pump I know medla is really good but cost wise I was gonna try a dr.brown electric. (she uses the bottles and paci already). I could rent a medela but i have to pay $30 for a doctor note plus the attachments so not sure if its worth it. HELP!!