C-19 Vax

@karibeanato We did find that bubba avoided feeding from the breast on the vaccinated arm side, for about 48hours after. It may have been due to the vaccine or could just be how it was easiest to hold him with a sore arm!
@randypnw Your wife needs to be vaccinated and boosted. Pregnant women are immunocompromised. I gave my wife a cold coughing and a short term sore throat for me… two ER trips for her.

Another cautionary tale, her bestfriend from high school got it at the end of her pregnancy and after she gave birth alone with covid she has yet to see her baby again as she is now on life support and the outcome is uncertain.

Please please please get vaccinated and have your wives get vaccinated. There is incredible asymmetrical risk and with how contagious the new varient is you should assume exposure.
@randypnw Was double vaxxed prior to pregnancy, got the booster around week 32 before the holiday season. No side effects or anything, and currently 36 weeks and everything is still looking great!
@randypnw I got both doses while pregnant, and felt totally fine! I got to pass on my antibodies to my babe who can’t get the vaccine yet. I also got the booster while breastfeeding.

Do it!!

Edit: Babe is 6 mo and healthy ❤️
@randypnw Please get it! The outcomes for unvaccinated babies and moms are so scary. I work in health care and do direct patient care so being non vaccinated was never an option. I got my first two dose early on and conceived a couple months after. Had my booster during my second tri (yay @ some antibodies for baby!) and had a healthy baby boy almost 5 weeks ago! We actually were also in a study for an RSV vaccine as well. Will do anything to protect LO. Husband is also triple vaxxed!