Bringing a child into this world concerns


New member
How did u rationalize wanting to create/ raise/nurture your child when the world's issues keep growing?
  1. American economy- so difficult to succeed as a millennial (getting a good job to afford bills, house, and simple life enjoyments), will our kids suffer worse? I don't want my kid to live w me forever.
    Do you just hope they will be an above average human being that lands that good job?
  2. Navigating the concerns AI will create and further effect our lack of world peace.
I have other hesitations that are also out of mine/future childs control.
I just feel a bit selfish wanting to experience raising a child, making those memories and that love, when the world isnt that great (I don't mean to be a downer, life can be great as well, but it's a dice roll)
@faithit66 If the human race were to suddenly blip off the face of the earth, the issues we created would still be in motion (mass extinction, etc).

I’m raising helpers. Our family is net negative, and I always wanted to be a parent. We do what we can.

I feel bad that this is what they’re getting, though. But they make me hopeful for the future.
@faithit66 I remember being a LO during Y2K & 9/11 (dating myself.. I know XD). Had no idea what was going on or the extent of these tragedies, but, what is amazing is the power of human kindness especially the communities coming together. It aso sparked critical thinking in the classroom as we reviewed those moments.

As much good as there is in the world, there will always be a downside. Remeber that your little one has a network of support and isnt on their own. For my LO, I plan to be there to be his ally and help digest information. My line of thought is better to understand and navigate the world for all that it is and be part of what makes the world good.

Kids these days are so insightful and surprisingly intellectual. You'll be surprised how your LO chooses to navigate this space.
@faithit66 Whenever I feel like OP I rewatch Steven Pinker's Ted Talk. Things have been getting better on the whole.

Of course, this was recorded before the war in Ukraine and a few other things, but there have also been some positives since then, like wind and solar energy having a much lower LCOE (levelized cost of energy) than all fossil fuels.
@faithit66 In the grand scheme of things, there will never be a "perfect time" to raise a child. Even an "ideal time" is unlikely. Even without considering world states, just learning how to be a good partner is a constant process and constantly feels like a struggle some days. When my wife and I finally were ready to start a family, I think the biggest indicator was that we now wanted to share our life with another. I don't know if we were "ready" per se. It was more of an emptiness in our life that needed filling. Picture you're driving down the road and see something amazing! So you point it out to your BFF in the passenger seat, but it's just an empty seat. Looking back, that's what it was for me. And it's not that the world is perfect, or the economy is healthy or even that we have basic human rights these days, it's just that for however long we'd have together, we knew that we were missing out on joy.