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I have two children. 3 y/o&5 months. Both were Exclusively breastfed. My period returned 8 weeks PP with my 3 y/o and went right back to being regular again until I got pregnant with baby number two.

After my second baby I have only had one brief period at 4 months PP. I went to my 6 week OBGYN PP check up and my bleeding from birth had just stopped and was checked and cleared for everything. OB said it was normal to have irregular or no period with breastfeeding.

At 3 months PP I had my annual Pap smear. I did bring up how I was having clear odorless discharge that looked similar to ovulation discharge but more frequently that comes and goes. all results for pap came back normal. OB said more discharge is normal because all the hormonal shift and breastfeeding not to worry.

Well now at 5 months PP I’m still having lots of clear odorless discharge. But two days ago it was a bit of a yellow tinge. I felt concerned I went to urgent care and got swabbed for BV, yeast, and STI’s. BV and STI’s came back negative. Yeast takes a few days to be tested. But the doctor said it did not look like yeast in her opinion.

Did anyone else experience this while breastfeeding?? I plan on reaching out again to my OB. I have no other symptoms with the discharge… Just feeling alarmed since this is not in my norm. And I hate not having a period.
@aleon My period never comes back until my kids are sleeping through the night. The same month bam. My period shows up. I’ve been breastfeeding for almost 3 years straight and always have lots of discharge.
@aleon My period didn’t come back semi regular until 14 months ish when I night weaned. I also have had lots of discharge on and off.

Is there a difference in the frequency with which your LOs nurse?
@eon2 No there’s not- but with baby number two we have been co sleeping and I wear her for every nap. I’m finding it sooo much harder to get her down or “sleep train” vice my first.

So I was thinking that might play a part in this too!
@aleon Oh maybe. We didn’t cosleep at night but my daughter was up so much we might as well have. I did also baby wear her a lot because she screamed every time she was put down until 16 months haha.
@aleon No period with my first until I weaned at a year and that was forever ago.

Currently coming up on 11mths with my second and so many times I’ve have ovulation symptoms and nothing, still no period but we are working on weaning. Past few days have been slippery egg white and my husband has been very handsy lol

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