Blocked Tubes and Low AMH


New member
Hi 👋🏾 ladies I am looking to get some tips as I start my IVF journey.

AMH - 0.08-0.22
FSH - 6.6-24.9

Both tubes are blocked and damaged per my RE. She said IVF is my only course of action. I have Progyny so I have two IVF cycles covered and two transfers covered.

Despite my complex case I have regular periods and ovulate. My ovaries and uterus are healthy per my fertility clinic. I have no cysts, no fibroids, or polyps.

During my SIS this month I had a mature follicle and she also saw a ton of other smaller follicles in my right ovary. So I am hopeful.

Does me still ovulating and having a period make a difference in my IVF success?

I am 34yrs old and turn 35 in August. Doctor told me I’m young so she is hopeful as well despite the odds against me.

Despite her optimism I’m terrified.
@breko IVF success is mostly determined by age and AMH/antral follicle count. Age is the biggest factor for egg quality and AMH gives an indication of how many eggs you may retrieve. I would argue that antral follicle count matters more than AMH, which can be an inaccurate measurement sometimes. If you have a good follicle count then I wouldn’t even worry about AMH.

It’s true that with lower follicle counts, it may take more cycles to be successful, I won’t sugar coat that. The whole “it only takes one” mentality is BS because IVF is a numbers game and retrieving more eggs generally will give you a better shot (although success rates do tend to plateau at around 15 eggs per retrieval). Statistically it takes 2-3 genetically normal embryos for each live birth.

Having regular cycles and ovulating in your own unfortunately doesn’t mean much for IVF, but your doctor is right that you have age on your side and you can be successful even with lower ovarian reserve.
@hintofasian I’m keeping the faith. I’ve seen women with my AMH do really well with IVF so I agree it is a numbers game. The goal is to bank at least 6-9 embryos. I’d love to have 2-3 kids if possible.
@breko Question for Op did you do a saline test before HSG? During Saline did it come down or did you just do HSG? Reason I’m asking, I feel I have a blocked tube, but my doctor doesn’t think so, as my saline came down when I did the test. I’m doing my HSG in July.
@andries I did a Saline test the day before but the saline test was to look at the health of my ovaries and uterus which was good. The HSG is where I got the diagnosis of my blocked tubes 🥺