Blakely Jo

@littlelilly BJ as initials for a girl honestly isn't good.... If it was a boy I'd say go for it. Maybe do Blakely as a first name and choose something else for a middle name? Or have two middle names like Blakely Mae Jo if you're dead set on the middle name Jo. It's cute, but she WILL be bullied by other kids for initials.
@littlelilly I think if you really like it just go with it. She’ll prob end up getting married and changing her last name anyways. Our daughter is Blakely Anne btw so I think it’s a great pick!
@littlelilly So I know a Bobbie-Jo. She’s an adult and high functioning and successful. She’s mentioned the bad connotation once but I’ve never seen her get flack for it.

So it’s possible to have those initials and be fine.

I personally would not do it. How would you feel about Josephine Blakely?
@littlelilly I teach middle school and honestly don’t feel like kids make fun of names like they used to.… I would imagine by the time kids even know what BJ means, she’d be old enough to tell them to stfu. If you love the name, go with it!
@ololgf Sure but are they men or women who go by BJ? Something to consider imo. I think there could be some mild middle school teasing but I don’t think it’ll be a life long affliction of ‘why did my parents do this to me.’ Just be ready to tell her they’re gross teenage losers! Congrats on your baby, so exciting :)