BFP the day we moved into our first house! Plus a LOT of line porn


New member
So I've waited about a week to post because I'm still kind of in shock. I posted earlier this cycle about my confusion about my chart. I think I ended up missing my LH surge with OPKs. But I definitely ovulated, because I'm definitely pregnant!

Some background info: 27, TTC #1. I took birth control for a little over 10 years without a break, and when I went off it, it took 9 months for my period to start again. I think it was made worse by the fact that I was a little underweight for part of that time. When my period started again, it was a little irregular, and I have fairly long cycles even when it is regular. We've been actively TTC since December.

Things I did different this cycle: Vitamin B supplement, and calcium/magnesium supplement. Made a point to eat more, especially fats. I did end up ovulating about five days earlier than usual!

Things I always do: Red raspberry leaf, iron, TONS OF WATER, and pineapple core after ovulation.



CD 1-5: period.

CD 6-17: BD every other day as per usual.

CD 18: EWCM! I was really excited because this was waaay earlier than usual.

CD 20: No visible line on OPK.

CD21-22: Didn't test, pretty sure I'd been excited for nothing and I wouldn't ovulate for another week. This is when I must have missed my LH surge.

CD 23: Ovulation! Although I didn't know it at the time.

CD 24: Modest temp spike. Wasn't sure what to make of it.

CD 25-29: Negative OPKs. I was soooo confused. Also gassy and crying easier than usual.

CD 30: Temp spiked way up, started taking progesterone and eating pineapple.

CD 31-34: Continued progesterone and pineapple. Intense pulling feeling on CD 32.

CD 35: Father's day. Negative HPT at 12 DPO. Also, I stopped taking progesterone five days early because my heart was POUNDING on Saturday night. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.

CD 36: We closed on our house! Started the moving process and missed the call back from my gyno about the progesterone in the madness.

CD 37: BFP! I was home alone in our almost empty apartment and I had no idea what to do with myself. Ran out and got a FRER to confirm. That night was our first night in our new home :)

I've peed on loads of tests since then, and my hCG is definitely rising! I am so deliriously happy.

You all have been an unbelievably support system throughout this process. I genuinely believe I would not be pregnant right now if it was not for this community. I love you all!

Also: I think the main lesson to take away from my experience is "BD early, BD often". Don't take it for granted that you'll know when you ovulate!