BFP one month after early m/c!


New member
Hi everyone,

I posted on TFAB last month that I got a positive. It was our very first month trying (although I've been lurking here obsessively for months), so in that sense it was really unexpected. I miscarried at 5w2d, which was devastating - it's amazing how attached you get to the idea of being pregnant in just over a week.

We decided to start trying again right away. Our doctor said we should wait one cycle, but was vague about her reasons for it (she basically said it would be hard to know when I ovulated because my cycle could be wacky) so we decided to go for it after doing a bit of research and getting the go-ahead from my husband's brother (a medical resident). I'm not in the habit of ignoring my doctor's advice, but I went on the assumption that if my body was ready to conceive, it would show the signs. It definitely did!

Here are my notes from last month for anyone who might be interested. One thing I noticed this cycle - my EWCM was like textbook EWCM. Usually my fertile CM is really globby, rubbery and streaky (gross!), but this month it was perfectly clear and stretchy, just like they describe in the books. It also lasted a few days longer than usual. I thought this was interesting since I've heard that a woman's body tends to be "extra" fertile after a m/c, but I also worried that maybe something was wonky with my ovulation.
  • CD12 - EWCM, had sex
  • CD13 - trace EWCM, sex
  • CD14 - EWCM, sex
  • 1 DPO - EWCM, sex
  • 2 DPO - EWCM
  • 3 DPO - EWCM, sex
  • 4 DPO - ovulation pains, cloudy/EWCM, sex
  • 5 DPO - nipple area tenderness, super tired (slept all PM which is unusual)
  • 6 DPO - sore nipple area, sex
  • 7 DPO - scant creamy CM, sore nipple area
  • 8 DPO - nipple area less sore, creamy CM
  • 9 DPO - vivid dreams, gassy, no more nipple area soreness, creamy CM
  • 10 DPO - mild, period-like cramping in AM, creamy CM, very gassy!
  • 11 DPO - creamy CM - lots of it!
  • 12 DPO - creamy/watery CM, cold sore
  • 13 DPO - breakouts on chest area, vague cramping in evening, vaguest shadow of a glimmer of a line on a wondfo test strip but very difficult to make out, so we ignored it.
  • 14 DPO - positive test on a digital! Also Christmas morning, which was sweet.
Since my positive test I've had only intermittently sore breasts, I've had bouts of period-like cramping throughout the day, and I've been pretty moody. I'm so nervous about another m/c that I have to stop myself from taking more than one HPT a day. Since a couple of days ago, the line has been darkening up. I don't want to engage with this pregnancy as much as I did with the last one in case it doesn't stick, but I want to give the little embryo some hope, too! First milestone will be successfully making it beyond 5w2d next week.

I deeply appreciate how stupidly, stupidly fortunate we are to be able to get pregnant so easily compared to many women on this subreddit. All of your stories have been incredibly inspiring to read over the last many months. I hope this can help someone who may have also had an early m/c and is feeling hopeless. Good luck to all of you in 2013!!
@whisperpoetry Congrats! I also got a Christmas positive after an early miscarriage (10 weeks). We waited about 9 months to try again and were lucky enough to get pregnant the first month trying. Good luck with this little one and try not to stress too much :)