Baby wouldn’t turn so now I have to have a c-section and I’m suddenly panicking


New member
Stubborn little thing wouldn’t turn during the version so I have a c-section scheduled for 4/24. I was disappointed, but overall fine until about 2 days ago and now I’m freaking out. I’ve never had surgery or any real medical issues before. I trust my doctor and I feel confident it will all go smoothly, but leading up to the surgery I’m shaking in my boots. Do they have options for anxiety and fear at the hospital? Can I get nitrous beforehand? Once the surgery starts, I think I’ll be fine but I know I’m going to freak out all the way into the OR.
@faselina I was soooo scared of my Csection but I also felt too awkward to ask for anxiety meds. Whatever they gave me really calmed me down during the surgery though bc the anesthesiologist commented on how fast my heart was beating and then suddenly I felt fine. It’s honestly so much less scary once they start, and it’s over so quickly. You will do fine!
@faselina I just had my first scheduled c-section last week. I was kinda scared too because like you, I had never had surgery before and didn’t know what to expect or how hard recovery would be. I had my first baby vaginally so this was a whole new thing for me. It was very quick - like seriously less than 10 minutes to get the baby out. Then after he was out it took some time for them to stitch me up but I was so focused on the baby I didn’t pay attention to anything else. The only thing I was surprised about was the shoulder pain I experienced. They said it’s very common but nobody had ever warned me - it was very uncomfortable toward the end but it went away while I was in recovery. Like the other comments said, your doctor has probably done hundreds or thousands of c-sections. Try not to worry about it, you will have your baby in your arms before you know it!
@faselina Don’t freak! My emergency Csection was an awesome experience. Pain free and over in legit like 20 minutes. Your surgeon has no doubt done this surgery hundreds of times, they’re a pro and will take EXCELLENT care of you. I loved my first Csection so much I’m electing to have baby number two delivered the same way!


As far as anxiety, I know nitrous oxide is a class C drug meaning it can cause fetal harm. Sooooo you probably won’t be given that. Definitely ask your doctor if there are any options for anxiety that are safe for your baby
@pdg90601 Nitrous oxide is commonly used as a pain management option in labor - at the concentration used in the hospital it is safe for you and baby! I know at the hospital where I work they offer use of nitrous during epidural placement as well to help mamas cope. It’s worth asking if they can set it up for you during your prep in the OR.
@signi Nice! I didn’t know this. I asked for some when I needed a root canal and crown a couple weeks ago, and my dentist said no since I was pregnant.

I’m gonna ask for nitrous when I get my spinal block for my next Csection!
@faselina My c section was really uneventful. Spinal wasn’t too bad even though it took them 2 attempts but otherwise it just feels like a lot of pushing and pulling. Your surgeon has done many many many of these and the nurses are generally amazing so you’ll be in great hands!
@vitfitprayer I’ve heard that suggestion about the recliner! Idk what I’m gonna do because I’ve developed some butt issues during this pregnancy that make it impossible for me to sit comfortably (sorry tmi). I know laying on my side will probably not be an option but that’s the only way I’m comfortable right now, so it’ll be interesting...
@faselina Don't panic!

My first was a breech baby (6 years ago) and I had a scheduled c section. I was absolutely terrified.

I went in, did it all by myself (single mom), and it was honestly so easy! I was up and walking that same night (had c section in the morning, was up walking by dinner time).

I had my son on a Sunday morning and was discharged on Tuesday morning. I had no pain, only needed ibuprofen. I did feel super stiff and had to move slowly the first week.

By 2 weeks, I went out for a day with my baby and mom, shopped, got my son his first passport and by 5 weeks postpartum, my son and I took our first trip.

I've never had any complications, it was incredibly easy. My sister, friend and cousin all had vaginal deliveries and they all experienced complications and pain.

I'm going to talk to my doctor, but chances are looking like I'm going to ask for another c section for my current tummy tenant.
@faselina I’m scheduled for a c-section on the 23rd! A little nervous too 😬😬 But my cousin just had a c-section in August. She said it really wasn’t bad at all and if you are anxious to definitely tell the doctor because she was and they gave her some anxiety meds to calm her down which she said helped. She also said it was helpful knowing that the baby would be with you in under an hour once everything gets going.