Baby won’t sleep in Pack n Play on Vacation


New member
We are currently on our first vacation with our 11m baby to visit his grandpa since he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and can no longer travel to see him. We are staying at my parents place in an in law until so we have some privacy and quiet so baby can sleep when he needs to but for some reason baby will not sleep in the pack n play and insisted on sleeping with us last night and contact naps yesterday. Pack n play has a nice mattress since I wanted baby to be comfy but after playing putting him down yesterday he woke up screaming 1 hour in refusing to sleep unless he could feel me.

Baby has never wanted to co-sleep before and sleeps in his own room and own crib at home like a champ. Should I be worried about this messing up his sleep when we get home and any tips for getting him to sleep in the pack n play would be great since I would love to spend some time with my Dad on this trip.
@crimson12 My daughter also did this at the exact same age. When we returned home, she slept in her crib like normal, no issues.

I don't know how long your trip is, but we went on a week long trip and we did start to have some success with the P&P by the fourth night. So I wouldn't give up completely. But if cosleeping is working, anecdotally, I had no issues with reverting back to her sleeping in her crib at home.
@crimson12 I went on a trip when baby was 7 months and she did the same thing. Now when we are home I put her in her pack n play for naps and crib for nights. Now when we go places she sleeps better in the pack n play since she is used to it (but naps are still short because she’s in an unfamiliar place). I know that doesn’t help you now, but could help with future trips. I am sure he will adjust quickly when he gets back home and in his own routine. I would just do what you need to do for the trip for everyone to get some sleep.