baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying


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Our baby girl slept through the night all the way up to 12 months. Around this time we also transitioned to one nap since she was refusing her second nap, she now gets 2-2.5 hrs of day sleep and bedtime falls around 7:30-8pm. Every night since maybe 2 weeks about (she is currently 13months) she began to wake up and first just play around but now she cries and complains. Her cry is more like a whine, it definitely sounds different than when she is teething or with a cold.
My husband would usually go in and calm her down, and put her down when she is calm but she starts again. So we decided to just let her cry? Since every time we go in it seems to make it worse.
Any tips on what to do? And what we could be doing wrong to incentivize this to happen? I don’t think going back to 2 naps is an option since she refuses to take nap #2 and ends up napping for less than 2 hours a day and bedtime needs to be moved really early.
If it helps her schedule is usually like this
Wake up 7am
Nap 12-2 or 2:15pm
Bedtime 7:15-7:30pm

Wakes up between 1-3am for about 1 hour
@minilla I would try shortening her nap to make sure she has enough sleep pressure to stay asleep. You may also need to push bedtime later or accept an earlier waking time as a 10.5 to 11 hour night is more common than 12.
@minilla Double check about teething! My 13-month boy has been whining and moaning at night, every night, the last few days. This cry has been different than his cries when he first started teething.

And lo and behold, I finally was able to see that he’s getting BOTH first molars and one of his canines (all on the top).
@omar1995 You are right, what did you use to calm his pain? Last night i applied some pumpkin oil and it seemed like it helped, she cried for a shorter time than usual. I just dont want to give her pain medicine every time she feels discomfort, what helped you and your son?
@minilla We are team pain meds. My son gets 2-3 teeth in at the same time. His first 5 were back to back, a new one every few days.

We only would give him pain meds at night and never beyond 5 days straight.

As soon as the teeth poke through, he seems to be in less pain so we manage it day to day.
@minilla Both my boys (5 and 3.5 now) dropped their second nap by 9 months. Slept for about 2 hours after lunch. Then bed at 7:30pm. Woke up between 6:30-8:30am. My first dropped his nap promptly at 2. My second was 2.5 when he dropped his nap. Bedtime and wake time are the same. Either teething or possibly ear infections. Our youngest had to get tubes in because of so many frequent ear infections that were ruining any nighttime sleep.
@minilla yeap, probably teething, we have same story. Late teething are more painful (that's our case). We use Dentinox gel on teeth, also my LO is sleeping with us now, as its easier to put her sleeping into our bed. Anyway, its a temporary, but good luck with this period
@minilla Agree with going back to two naps until closer to 18 months. Babies/toddlers go through phases of sleep resistance , FOMO, (and of course teething) etc. but it doesn't mean they're ready to drop a nap. Keep the schedule and routine the same as see if that helps.

Assuming she's comfortable with temperature/diaper etc, maybe a sippy straw cup of water, a small stuffed animal (if you're ok with introducing it now) and a small book will keep her occupied until she falls back asleep.
@minilla I’d say to go back to two naps. That’s the schedule my three year old is on, 12 months is super early to do one nap. Try shortening the first nap to one hour so there’s sleep pressure for the second nap. Walking at night could be overtired. I assume you’re feeding if babe wakes overnight.

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