Baby Sleep w/ No Boob or Pacifier


New member
How the heck do yall get your babies to sleep if they won't take a pacifier and refuse the boob or someone other than mom has to put baby to sleep???

My almost 4mo old has started nursing to sleep for every single nap and bedtime. That's all fine and dandy, I love nursing, but I have 2 major problems:

1)If she doesn't fall asleep while nursing, but she's tired, she'll unlatch and eventually start crying again bc she's tired. She wants to go to sleep, but won't take a pacifier anymore, and at this point refuses the boob. How do I get her to sleep?!?! I just keep switching sides offering the boob until she takes it again, but it is infuriating bc she refuses, refuses, refuses, and then randomly accepts it again. This also can lead to hour-long sessions. We do not cosleep, she actually sleeps great in her crib so far. We also do not/will not sleep train.

2)I return to work in 4wks and my MIL or babysitter will begin watching babe. So far she refuses both pacifier and bottle, just chews on the silicon nipple or pushes out with her tongue. I'm working thru getting her to take a bottle, but she does the same thing with both nipples. So how does someone other than Mom get baby to sleep with no pacifier OR boob?!??!

My first baby was much easier to get to sleep and loved her pacifiers, still does at almost 22mo - they have been a life saver when her sleep was crappy thru regressions, sickness and whatnot. Anyway, I feel clueless now that babe #2 doesn't want any kind of fake nipple in her mouth.

Help please!!
  1. Sleeping sack (if haven't learn to roll yet) + play lullaby? Or put in carrier walk about... Or maybe head massage?
  2. Try different brands? Maybe will be able to find one that works? Mine started rejecting Phillips Avent so I'm getting another brand to try out. Bottle is the same... I have three different brands, so far Pigeon seems to work best.