Baby Rotato


New member
Help!! My baby won’t stop rotating in her crib. I’ve searched high and low and it seems the general consensus is either

A.) She will stop when she starts rolling or

B.) It’s a phase and will only last a few weeks

She is 17 weeks old and has been doing this since she was 8 weeks old. She hasn’t started rolling yet. Every night for the last 9 weeks I have to get up every 45 minutes or so to get her dislodged. She is longer than the crib is wide and either gets her feet stuck in between the bars or repeatedly whams her head into the backboard. I tried the pack n play and that not only presented other issues but proved way too hard on the body to pull her out of it throughout the night. She hasn’t been in a sleep sack since she was about 7 weeks old because she hated it but is that potentially a solution? Does she just need to go in a floor bed? I’m at a complete loss and I’m headed back to work soon so I can’t afford to be a husk of a human being much longer
@xevy My baby is 11 months old and still rotates all night. Anytime I check the camera, she's in a different position. Babies do what they do, crazy kids.
@xevy My 11 month old has been rotating in bed since around 8 weeks old. At first they kept waking cuz they got stuck, but now they are much better at moving themselves.

They sleep in a cot next to me and I don’t hear them moving about unless I’m awake. I just see them in a different spot than the one I popped them down in. It’s been fun seeing all the different ways they’ve contorted themself!
@xevy Mine started rotating and hasn't stopped (18 months now) although maybe doesn't travel as far. Was sort of funny at the start when I'd look at the monitor and he'd have moved to a different part of the crib every time I looked.

Is it possible to get a bigger cot so she doesn't bash her head /get wedged as much and has more room for the wiggles? We ended up using one which promises to convert into a toddler bed once he's old enough to drop the walls down.