Baby in breech position w 3 weeks to go, scheduling C-section


New member
While I can be there for the surgery/birth, due to COVID I likely won’t be allowed in the postpartum room for the two days after while my wife recovers. My wife is pretty upset and a bit worried. I have assured her that it is not her (or anyone’s) fault and that our top priority is a healthy mom/baby post-procedure.

This is our first child, just looking for some good vibes. Much love

EDIT: thank you guys so much for your comments - really made us feel better and hopefully we can get through this with a healthy mom and baby. Will of course update the sub after our little guy graduates.
@regina1075 I'm a postpartum nurse and I have a couple tips- make sure that you use the time she's in the hospital to rest and get the house ready for her. When she gets home, bear in mind she will basically not have slept for two days straight and she'll need 150% of your attention- give her a rest and take care of that baby. If she's breastfeeding, making sure she always has water and her cell phone and pillows for positioning. And read through alllllll the information packets she comes home with. Postpartum nurses do a lot of education, but if you read the education pamphlets they usually send home you'll probably be caught up. And perhaps most importantly, look at her C section incision (and maybe take a picture) as soon as she gets home and every day after. She won't be able to see it very well, so you need to make sure it isn't getting infected. It should look ok when she gets home, so you'll have something to compare it to every day after that.
@fivfrujf This is great advice thank you so much! Seems like in NY these rules may be changing so hopefully I can stay in the hospital with her but if I can’t (or even after we get home) this is super helpful

Thank you for everything you do to support new mothers! Seriously through this whole process just learning how much of a champion my wife and all expecting mothers are
@regina1075 Same situation happened with our daughter in February and everything went perfectly fine! She was breach the entire pregnancy and our doc reassured us that c-sections were extremely common and safe. In fact in a lot of ways it turned out better for us compared to other deliveries our friends had gone through. No hours of painful labor or unwanted tearing during delivery. Once you show up and admitted you’re in and out of the delivery room in under an hour if everything goes smoothly and with as common as they are it’s a fairly routine procedure.

I was a ball of nerves leading up to the surgery because of how intrusive the procedure is but in all honesty it’s not nearly as bad as it seems. If we could could choose to do it again with our next baby my wife and I would absolutely choose a c-section again no question. Best of luck man and you guys are gonna do great!
@regina1075 Our first was breech. In a way, it was almost less stressful than a "standard" birth, since there wasn't much in the way of decision-making. No debates about epidural vs. not, or vaginal birth vs. c-section. It was just c-section all the way.
@regina1075 My wife's aunt had all three of hers breech late in pregnancy and they all flipped last minute. For one of them she was already on the table and the doctor felt her stomach and ordered one last ultrasound and they found that baby had flipped so they sent her home. You never know what could happen!
@regina1075 My wife was really happy with her c-section. She spent the two nights previous to it in hospital and listening to women in labour cry out in pain for hours. The c-section was really quick and although she was uncomfortable for a while, she recovered really quickly. She bonded really well with the baby and has been breast feeding for five months.