Baby hasn’t pooped for 7 days!


New member
My babe has been solely breastfed & he’s 7 weeks old. We found out two weeks ago he has a dairy allergy and I’ve been dairy free since. We went to his pediatrician two days ago who wasn’t worried about it but told me to give him juice & that I could try a baby glycerin suppository if he hasn’t gone. She also gave us a sample of Nutramigen and we have given him a bottle of that to see if that will stimulate a bowel movement since it’s not just breast milk. Has anyone else been through this? What helped? My little boy isn’t bloated or anything & is passing gas like a champ otherwise. 🥲
@debwater Sometimes if my baby isn’t pooping enough for me, I will give her a bottle of very warm (not hot) breastmilk which makes her goooo. You can also try the Frida Windi Baby to help trigger a bowel movement.
@debwater My first kid was a chronic non-pooper. For the first 3-4 months of her life, she would frequently go 1 week without pooping. Our record was 12 days. She wasn’t straining/constipated. I have absolutely no idea where all the milk went (other than wet diapers). Doc did have us try an ounce of prune juice every now and then. Didn’t help us, but didn’t hurt either. She was always in the 99% for height/weight so we knew she was getting the nutrients….just not creating waste.

She grew out of it around 6 months where she started going every 2-3 days. She’s 6 y.o now and no GI issues to report. Poops once a day now lol.
@debwater If they are passing gas they are fine! However, my suggestion is maybe switch to pumping and giving him breast milk that way to watch the intake. There is a chance his intake is a little on the lower side which may be preventing poop naturally the more they eat, the more they poop. And when we cut things out of our diet it will naturally lower our supply. If that’s already happening, then as long as he isn’t visibly uncomfortable, he should be fine. Ask your doc for any warning signs of something wrong, they should be able to give you a list of things to look out for. But it seems like you’d know right away.