Baby daddy is living w/his gf & her kid & they use the N word


New member
ugh. so my baby daddy is moving in with his gf and her kid. when my son is over there, he hates it. they gang up on him & dad doesn’t do anything. but today, & this is something i kinda heard before (but they weren’t living together) when i picked my son up today (hes 8) we were talking about his time time there, and he told me that they all use the n word (they’re all white btw) and said the son called him a “little n****” when he wouldn’t let him play with his controller. i asked what dad said, & he said he acted like it didn’t happen (i believe all this by the way.. i know when he’s lying)
i asked if the gf and dad use the word, and he said yes, like when they were at the drive throu & the person was black, and they were being slow, so the gf said something really racist & used the word (i honestly don’t even feel comfortable typing it out) so clearly, the gf, the baby daddy, and the son are all ok with it and they’re all racist pieces of shit. i texted the baby daddy.. this is what i said

i’m not saying this in any tone or to fight, but i feel very strongly about this, i am not okay with him being in a home where the “n” word is being used, or where he’s being called a little “n” & honestly i am shocked that you’re cool with it. i am so grateful that he knows it is wrong & doesn’t like it. but i think it’s so wrong & i’ll never be ok with it. she can raise her kid however she wants, snd if she wants to raise a racist boy, that’s on her. i do not. i don’t care how much you like this girl, you need to set a very clear boundary about this.

and he read it, and a couple hours later, said “relax. he’s making a big deal about it. “ and then went on to talk about something else.

i am livid. & i know he won’t set that boundary & i know he won’t stand up to her (it’s a super toxic relationship & they both have major issues.. i mean we all have issues, but yeah) anyway, i know nothing i say will change them or how they talk. and i’m grateful my son knows how wrong it is, but i HATE that he has to be in that environment & i don’t know what i can do about it. please help?
@scot21t This hurts to read. I’m sorry you and your son are in this situation. You are doing what is best for your child and that’s all you can do.
@scot21t Holy crap. I mean.. I guess I'm glad he's 8 and not like 3? So he already understands how messed up it is? So I guess just keep doing what you're doing. I'm so sorry. :( this is is another level of effed up.
@svitlana78 true.. i just wish i could keep him away from that gouse, since he decided to move in with her, and i feel like there is nothing i can do since he goes to school out by him, it’s 45 mins away from me, and he has in person school half the week, ugh.
@scot21t Ugh is right.. I really can't imagine. I feel like this should be something you could bring to court but.. I bet it isn't. He'd probably get a slap on the wrist "don't do that anymore" and he'd just say "ok" and it would be done.
@scot21t So awful . Court won’t give 2 shits about it so you get a constant teaching moment . Our granddaughter who is 3 learned it from her POS mother who laughed about it . She also taught her to say what the Fxxx & also thinks it’s funny . She says because she hangs out with N words who all call each other the N word then she can too . Soooo as awful as it is some people are just trash . Use it to set boundaries & expectations & teaching moments when the kid is with you . I call it “ deprogramming “ her every time she comes back from her moms . Good luck