B.C. | A.D. | L.B.F. | L.A.F

@robert2004 We put up a handful of artsy space tourism posters above the changing table, and LOs been staring at them intently during diaper changes ever since he could see that far. He's enjoying the heck out of them. Worth every penny.
@robert2004 Mine was (and still is at 5mo) in love with a Captain Harlock vintage poster I bought in Japan. I have it forever it is actually pretty cool for me to see how much he likes it from the very beginning
@kociolek6367 The first thing my baby ever laughed at was the ceiling fan, 7 months old and it still is his favorite. His grandparents got him one for his bedroom as a Christmas gift lol
@kociolek6367 While we agree ceiling fans are cool...have you guys seen string lights? Cause WOAH. Best thing in the world according to our little girl! Gets the excited panting and arm/leg wiggles every time.
@kociolek6367 100% agree! He absolutely loves ceiling fans anywhere we go. Upstairs, here's the fan. Downstairs, here's the fan. In-laws, here's the fan. My mom went as far to suggest I get a mobile with fans so he could just stare at it.
@kociolek6367 We don't have a ceiling fan but apparently the curtains are the funniest thing in the world. He gazes at them in adoration and laughs hysterically in their presence.