Arguing in front of the kids…

@blanca If you're both incapable of having a civil disagreement and things devolve into a screaming match, yeah.

But NEVER arguing in front of your kids, never letting them see confrontation and then resolution of these arguments followed by reconciliation... that led me and my ex to believe all kinds of bullshit like a good relationship has zero conflict, that you shouldn't rock the boat, and frankly when we did have conflict we knew NOTHING about how to handle it, it was devastating.

Modeling healthy relationships is important.
@blanca I disagree. Arguing is fine. The key is that they also watch you resolve the argument. And if you are someone who goes nuclear during arguments, honestly, your kids are screwed any way. Eventually you will start dropping bombs on them.

Seeing parent argue and then resolve arguments help them deal with disagreements down the line in a healthy way.
@blanca I guess I can differentiate as I’m referring to more of an argument/disagreement vs a knock down, drag out ‘fight’ (which we would not do in front of them).
@alexsad You were good up until you told
Him he could help by listening, etc. Now your ten yo may feel he has to walk on eggshells and be the perfect child in order that his parents don’t divorce. ETA: Do you really need a scientific study to tell you that? It’s common sense.

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