Anyone with the brezza machine, I’ve noticed that we are starting to see the powder in the bottles


New member
Is it the machine? Do wE just need to make sure to shake the bottles? Been using it for 4 weeks. Noticing it in the last few days

EDIT: powder not floating. I meant clumps of it on the bottles wall
@j82 I noticed this with ours as well. We’ve been using it for 3 months and just this past week I’ve noticed more clumps on the sides of the bottle
@j82 Are clumps collecting in the funnel then falling in maybe? Might be worth taking it all apart and giving it a good clean and see if it continues
@j82 I just set mine up yesterday and it seems like the machine is dispensing the powder on top of the warm water, there’s a ton of powder sitting on top? No idea if it’s working correctly.
@katrina2017 No. Ours looks pretty mix when it’s in the bottle. I am pretty sure it dispense water again afterward because you see there will be almost clean water coming out at the end