Anyone else… just tired?


New member
I’m 27 weeks with mo/di girls. Things are going well and they are measuring ahead (estimated 2.5 pounds each as of today!) My MFM seems to think we have potential to make it all the way to 37 weeks.

The prospect of that is just daunting. I’m exhausted and everything hurts and I can’t imagine lasting 9 or 10 more weeks.

I will suck it up and do it because I know it’s best for them but wowza twin pregnancy sucks.

Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling this way at this stage.
@omri 35 weeks with di/di twins… As of yesterday, they’re both over 5lb 10oz a piece, I’m currently finishing up a 1.5 mile walk right now, and about to go back to work.

Yes. Yes, I am tired 😭