Any tips for a very active 7mo?


New member
Hey parents we have a very, very active 7mo. She will wiggle, flop, crawl and stand up, she'll wake up in the middle of the night and start doing all this.
If I don't actively push to sleep she'll just stay awake and stay active, like really active.
Yesterday we missed her sleep window, it's really narrow and she stayed awake for about 8hours, 8!
I tries things likee tiring her out qith lots of play, I tried feeding her more starchy foods, combining those 2, she watches no tv, she gets relaxing massages (which she can't lay still for) etc.
Don't get me wrong, we have a lot of fun but I was wonderi g if other parents had a similar kid and if they had some tups and tricks on how to best handle it maybe calm her down a bit or maybe things to watch out for?
@neowelshrevival i think she’s overtired.

my daughter is 8mo and super active just like yours. crawls, pulls up, walks while supported. her wake windows are 3/3/3.5-4. she takes naps in the crib. the first being 30min and the second 1h-1.5h. she sleeps 7-7 at night with no wakes. she drinks 24-26 oz a day which is a struggle because she is way more interested in solids but i always push milk first. i think this helps her sleep. i dont understand missing a wake window? is she sleep trained? if not can you contact nap her until she’s ready to sleep independently? 8hrs is a looong time for her to be awake.

mine uses her vtech walker daily and she crawls to whatever room i am in and follows me around though the day. but we have days she’s in the car or shopping cart a lot too and she sleeps the same so not entirely sure. i think your sleep schedule is the issue.
@situo I think I used the term sleepwindow wrong here, srry english isn't my first language. I meant sleepcue if that's a thing?
So normally her wake windows are 2/2/2,5/3 something like that.
But the day in question she woke up after half an hour because of some noise in the street. She normally sleeps way longer.
So I missed a sleepcue and when I tried to get her to sleep 2 hours later she just wouldn't.
I tried changeing the diaper, getting her some milk and food and walk around again and still nothing. By that time her mom came home so she was very excited. A bit later she went to bed with mom and it still didn't work.
So it ended up being 8 hours of wake time.
She doesn't sleep in a cosleeper,she doesn't sleep in the buggy, she doesn't sleep in the car and when she's awake and not rolled up like a sausage in a blanket she'll just turn over and start to crawl to something to play with.

She was very overtired and it took us 3 days to reverse that. So that's kindof what I need tips for, when something like this happens what should I do?
I tried a lot but nothing works.
@neowelshrevival can you drop a nap? by 7m most babies are on 3 or 2 naps with 2.5-3.5 windows. you may need to adjust her bottles by dropping a bottle and adding oz to the other feedings. it may take a few days for her to adjust to a new routine as well so give her some time and see if it helps. but i think 4 naps is just too repetitive for a 7mo she is probably getting bored and under-tired which is causing her to reject sleep all together.
@neowelshrevival It sounds like you’re doing all the right things. She’s probably too little for Little Gym or things like that, but in the meantime, maybe be on the look out for play groups at libraries, museums, commhnity centers, and mom groups? Seeing other kids can be highly stimulating.

I have some friends with really active babies and toddlers but they work, and they say daycare is really good for wearing them out, so I can imagine it’s extra hard being a stay at home parent for a high energy kid.

As far as things to look out for, aside from injuries , it’s probably worth mentioning to your pediatrician at your next appointment. They may have suggestions and things to watch out for.
@neowelshrevival Ahhh my son was just like this (and now is a very active toddler). It was so hard. We are not a sleep training household so contact napping was our go to help him regulate and calm down for a nap.

During the day, to get energy out; we would go to indoor play gyms where he could crawl around and really work through some energy.

Also, we bought him tons of push cars which he would chase around the house (crawling).

Finally - his walker was like, his favorite thing in the world. We took tons of walks around the neighborhood and the park with that thing.

Solidarity! It can be tough to have energetic kids especially when it feels like others have a much easier time!
@neowelshrevival It sounds like you found a solution with dropping one nap. Another thing I've found is that sometimes my babies and toddlers delayed naps because they needed to poop. Once that happened (and it sometimes took 6+ hours of waiting and multiple failed attempts to put them down for naps) they fell asleep quite easily.