Any OB’s know what’s this random pregnancy pain could be??


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I (25f) am pregnant with my 2nd child. For some medical history I got pregnant 7 weeks postpartum, first birth was supposed to have been natural however my body was stressed refusing to dilate I didn’t want the epidural. Eventually I was to the point they were giving me IV pain meds oxygen and the nitrous oxide with every contraction I would inhale the gas for pain and then switch back to oxygen mask they kept telling me if I got the epidural my body would relax and I would possibly finally dilate. Which did happen I went from 6cm to 9cm however because the dr and myself were exhausted they stopped the Pitocin and let me sleep when they finally came back to check me I was back down to 5cm my cervix was swollen and closing around my sons head and his head was also swollen so they called for a c-section. My water had broken at 6:45am 9/7 and my sons time of delivery was called at 12:15pm 9/8 so I was in labor close to 36 hours. At my postpartum visits the dr said my scar looked good everything looked fine. I was healing good losing weight and everything was fine as far as everyone could tell. We then found out I was pregnant again beginning of December already 6-7 weeks. I was informed it would be considered a high risk pregnancy due to me JUST having a C-section as it take several years for your body to fully heal that if I were to try to have my baby natural it could kill me and my baby possibly my uterus could rupture etc. Now to current time. Everything with this pregnancy has been fine baby is good and healthy all my labs have been great Dr said I’m doing good with my weight as I was already big to begin with the 1st pregnancy. I just had a visit with my doctor at 29W and 1 D (5/18) they go through all the normal questions get baby’s heart rate everything is good. The very next day I began having small cramping pains kind of between a small stabbing or shooting pain? I’m not sure but it’s not in my abdomen it’s specifically the lower part of my uterus/vagina area I guess?? I have read about Lightning crotch and believe it might just be that HOWEVER because of the whole “this could be high risk” comment small things worry me. The pains are like pulsing and have been on and off continuously since then it’s bearable but I’m trying to figure out if I should call my doctor. I really don’t like to be the person running to the doctor over small things seeing as I just had an appointment and told them I wasn’t having cramps or pain of any kind. Should l be concerned? I definitely didn’t feel this during my first pregnancy but I know not all pregnancies are the same so I’m trying to tell myself it’s not a big deal but I also over think too much. Any advice?
@drummerboy141 Always call. Always.

My OB told me that with her 2nd pregnancy, she had over 40 ultrasounds because of how “off” she felt. If a trained professional can get that freaked out, is mere mortals have every right to call when we panic.

Ask them about belly wrapping. I’ve heard it works wonders.