Any chance I’m pregnant? I have the IUD and took a plan B!!!


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So for backstory, please read all of this:

I got the Mirena IUD inserted January 2020. Had no complications or side effects from it. I went last year to get the strings checked and then again this month to get the strings checked because I am SO PARANOID ITS GOING TO MOVE AND NOT BE EFFECTIVE. I had unprotected sex May 14, and again on May 30th. May 14th I did take a plan B because I was so paranoid. My period actually came May 30th (the last time I had unprotected sex.) it was on time after the plan B just lighter, which worries me. Well anyways like I said I had unprotected sex the 30th which is actually when my period came, the following week the first week of June is when I went to get my birth control checked and my dr said the strings are in the right place. I actually signed sterilization papers at this appointment and I’m SUPPOSED to get my tubes tied July 13th. I’m just so scared there’s even the slightest chance I’m pregnant I’m freaking myself out cause I just really want my tubes tied and with my luck I would be.. my breasts have randomly been sore which never happens. And I’ve thrown up twice (although it was after taking doxyclycline aka chlamydia treatment)… I know that was a lot to take in LMAO I’m just freaking myself out because more then anything in this world I need my tubes tied on July 13th. I’m in Texas so this procedure is very urgent for me (just watch the news and you’ll understand). I should also add my next expected period is the 27th and it’s the 22nd rn. Well anyways if you read all of this tysm!!
@jasonf The only reason I took it was because it was before I had my appointment to get my strings checked- and a girl at my work got pregnant with the Iud
@tonylogan If you don’t trust your IUD, use pullout or condoms with it. Taking a Plan B when you’re on a method of birth control that is eons more effective isn’t going to do anything but cause irregularities and hormonal side effects.
@tonylogan I understand completely, I took plan b before even though I was on the pill so believe me, I understand and I really believe you are totally ok
@jasonf I think I am too I’m just worried because my boobs are sore all of a sudden that has literally never happened even when I was pregnant with my son. But when I factor in that I took a Plan B last month, and for the past week I’ve been taking that strong ass chlamydia antibiotic that could also explain why
@tonylogan I am going through the exact same thing right now with Paragard :( I found out at my yearly that it isn’t in the right place and took plan b (although my dr said it wasn’t effective because it was after ovulation). It is sooo scary, I am praying that my boyfriend pulling out every will have saved me from a pregnancy after having sex with my misplaced IUD. I So far I have not gotten pregnant so hopefully you will be ok. I started to bleed today but my period is only due the 28th and it’s so scary and frustrating not to be able to test yet because I am also so anxious. Hang in there!
I am going through the exact same thing right now with Paragard :( I found out at my yearly that it isn’t in the right place and took plan b (although my dr said it wasn’t effective because it was after ovulation). It is sooo scary, I am praying that my boyfriend pulling out every will have saved me from a pregnancy after having sex with my misplaced IUD. I So far I have not gotten pregnant so hopefully you will be ok. I started to bleed today but my period is only due the 28th and it’s so scary and frustrating not to be able to test yet because I am also so anxious. I know it must be a really scary thought but if your IUD is in the right place I really think you will not fall pregnant. Hang in there!