Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

@joeestacy NYS will give you Medicaid to cover anything not covered by your primary insurance. You won’t have to pay anything. It is a really simple form and the hospital worker can help you submit it.
@joeestacy Ours was 1.35 million for 4 weeks… but our out of pocket max on our plan was 1600, so we only paid 1600.
You will only pay your out of pocket max but should also qualify for Medicaid.
@joeestacy Our baby was born at 33 weeks. Stayed 3.5 weeks in the NICU (uncomplicated stay, thankfully). Her bills are about $140K before insurance.

Good luck, friend. We owe $17,500, and it suuuucks. You should max out at your OOPM, like we did.
@joeestacy As a recent NICU dad, my thoughts are with you from Australia. The numbers I am seeing here are terrifying. I can’t imagine having to deal with the looming bill on top of everything you’ve already been though.
@joeestacy Like others said, you will slam into that out of pocket after like 1 day haha. For reference my son was in the NICU for 3.5 weeks and it was $250k. He had no surgeries, just used cpap and oxygen to begin with.