Anti-E or anti-e titre <1


New member
10+3 and just got a call that there is an antibody that could be concerning and they need bloodwork from my partner and further bloodwork from me.

They didn't want to worry me but I asked what it was and they said anti-e or anti-E (we were talking on the phone so not sure which). Discussed regular bloodwork and ultrasounds and involving a MCM and getting ultrasounds done to look at blood flow to the brain and that it could cause anemia so baby may need blood transfusions in utero.

I had a stillbirth at 37+4 late last year and have assumed the ICP that killed my daughter will be the monster we are battling this time around but this is a new one....

Any stories about this antibody?
@moforfra24 I have anti e antibodies (got after a couple of blood transfusions I’ve had). My OB just tests my blood regularly to make sure they are low (if they raise they can attack the baby/placenta I believe). I have a one year old and am pregnant again. I never received extra ultrasounds with my first and probably won’t with this one. As long as they aren’t a measurable amount from your blood work you should be fine. I am so sorry for your still birth and that is probably why you are getting extra ultrasounds with the MFM. You were probably tested for anti e antibodies when you were pregnant with your first. I know my antibodies were from a blood transfusion. I believe pregnancy can also cause you to get them. I’m not that well versed with the antibody but wanted to give you some reassurance that even with them I had a healthy pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. I wish you the best with this pregnancy and honestly believe you have nothing to worry about with having the antibodies.