Amnio for NT 3.0mm?


New member
I’m 40.
- NT scan measured 3mm, which was flagged as borderline normal.
- NIPT was tagged as low risk at 1/10,000.
- Anatomy scan at 20 weeks measurements were at 10th percentile on all fronts (CRL, head, abdomen, femurs), which OB said is normal as I’m very petite (5’0”, 90 pounds, I’m Asian). My partner (41M) is however quite big (6’0”, 170 pounds).

Would an amnio with miscarriage rate at 1/1,000 be good to identify any potential birth problems?
@cparker As someone who’s been through all of that more than once- trust the NIPT. I’ve had two T21 pregnancies and they were caught right away (I was 32 and 35 and am now 36 for reference. No family genetic history on either side for abnormalities). They also knew with just ultrasounds tracking blood flow that in both cases the heart and major organs were failing in both cases and the pregnancies would not last. I had a CVS with the first one and it only reinforced the NIPT results. The first one had a NT measurement of 1.8mm and the second was 2.7mm.

I have a daughter now who is perfectly healthy but the US said at 37 weeks she was 7.5lbs. Her measurements were usually a week behind gestational age at every scan. She was born literally the day after the weight scan at a healthy 6lbs 20oz and she was perfect. My husband is a normal male at 5’11” and I am 5’5” 155 lbs but my MIL is 5’0” and 103lbs soaking wet. At 2.5 years my daughter is still petite. Who knows really where she will end up genetically.

I know this is a long post (sorry). You seem to be a stats person like I am, so I understand. Genetics testing has come a long way where the scans can be a little less accurate. You also don’t know how things will change with their size as the pregnancy progresses, so take a deep breath and trust the process.

You’re doing great! Congrats on your healthy scan and pregnancy! And if this is your first kiddo enjoy the quiet while it lasts lol.
@cparker I would do the amnio if you would terminate for chromosomal abnormalities. Amnio is very low risk and I couldn't live with the uncertainty