All Terrain Wagon


New member
Hi all,
I was wondering if there was any recommendations for an all terrain wagon? I have two littles (2y/o and 10m/o) but would ideally like a larger/4 seater wagon as we spend a lot of time with other kids (and would potentially like a third in the future). We live in an apartment (3rd story) so getting out and about into nature is a priority for us. We go to a nature center, and other similar areas, quite frequently, and I’m dying to have a wagon that can handle the steeper hills/grass/gravel. Our “adventures” are usually multiple hours so decent storage for our bags would be ideal as well. I’ve heard great things about the veer, but I’m just not sure I can justify that large of a purchase! Any insight and recommendations would be great!!
@roberte We have the baby trend expedition and we absolutely love it! I take it up to cleland national park (sa) weekly and it does really well on grass or over bush terrain. We’ve taken it on the beach several times and it’s been difficult over some dunes but amazing once on the beach. When I take the little one swimming while I go to the gym he sits on top of all of our giant pile of stuff 😂

I also considered the veer but couldn’t justify it, especially not knowing how much the little would like it. He couldn’t stand being in his pram and wouldn’t like being strapped in, so he’d launch out at random times and then would freak out if I tried to put him back in. We’ve had none of that with the wagon. Just in and done. This is also super helpful when you’re at the zoo and it’s in and out all day. He also loves sitting crossed legged in it with his lunchbox out in front of him. He’s also slept in it a handful of times!

It is, at its core, basically still a pram so I don’t expect it to be able to go bushwalking etc. but it is our best baby purchase for sure, I wish we’d had it sooner!

Another thing that put me off of veer was the footwell. Great for comfort im sure, but I wonder if it severely impacts your clearance. Like driving a lowered car?