Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???


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I am super nervous. 5 years into marriage, by the Grace of Allah S.W.T, I got a daughter within first 8 months (pre-mature). We took a gap of 2 years and started again...First attempt and I was pregnant within first month but at 6 weeks came to know that its a 'Complete Molar Pregnancy' very rare but never-the-less a abnormal pregnancy. Had D&C and doctors said everything will be alright. B-HCG value initially went down and then again started raising, so it was an invasive mole. Had Chemo sessions. Finally value was normal after a trial of 7 months. took a gap og 6 months and tried again. Yet another devastation awaited as this time it proved out to be again Molar, a 'Partial Molar pregnancy'. Doctors said it is a very very rare case but as you can understand, I was devastated! D&C again. After a gap of another 6 months, tried again for 3rd time and pregnancy initially developed normally but then stopped without any reasons. B-HCG value stopped raising and it was a missed pregnancy. Can someone understand the pain and agony of 3 miscarriages. Now yet again i.e. after trying for 4th time (gap of yet another 6 months) I am again pregnant but very very nervous. This can be one hell of pain and agony if something goes wrong this time. Need a lot of prayers. If someone has an experience of consective molar pregnancies and miscarriages but later on managed to get one (that's all what I want; just one baby), please share your experience and care you took
@thefound First, I am very sorry you had to go through that.

I have suffered many MCs, including ectopics that I need D&C + chemo treatment for. We took months off in between due to the chemo drug effects on any future fetus.

I would suggest asking that your doctor see you right away as you have this history. If they do not see you, find another doctor. They can track you HCG levels and progesterone to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy now. Good luck to you.
@jkhaemba I am doing that. My initial level was 682 and 48 hours later yesterday it was 1800.... imagine my agony and fear...If it goes up too fast, I am in trouble (sings of Molar Pregnancy) and if it goes too slow again I am in trouble (signs of Missed Pregnancy). May Allah S.W.T help me
@thefound I'll be thinking of you! It sounds like they are taking great care of you and the little bean. I know it's a scary limbo but I wish you the very best!
@jkhaemba Thanks...My doctor has started Clexane Injections also (one daily). Quite painful but he says it is necessary for thinning blood as I have two minor Thrombosis factors also. However, on the leaflet it is written, it is preferable not to administer Injs during first trimester. I am clueless :S
@thefound I don’t have any experience with a molar pregnancy, but I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy and also handling anxiety and fear. I hope you are being monitored for any potential complications.

How far are you along now? How far along were you when your other molar pregnancies/miscarriages were discovered.. I hope the time passes quickly so you can get an ultrasound and see that heartbeat.