I recently had my Mirena removed (Sep, 1) after 5 years and we are now actively TTC. I spotted for a couple days after removal (but I also had a pap so was it uterus bleed or just a fun side effect of getting my cervix scraped? The world may never know). I have no idea when I ovulated this month because I didn't get any positives on my OPKs (do faint lines mean I'm close or...??). On Friday (9/25) I had VERY mild spotting (just some color on my tp) and then I had a few spots on a pad Saturday morning. I was excited AF had finally arrived because I just want to be able to start tracking on a fresh month and get a feel for my cycle length/FW (Before Mirena I had irregular heavy cycles). But now I'm doubting whether or not that was actually AF or just some random spotting even though other PMS symptoms were present (cramps, sore breasts, passing gas). I'm still getting negative OPKs, definitely not pregnant (I tested twice - once RIGHT before spotting on Friday and once on Sunday because MaYbE iMpLaNtAtIoN bLeEdInG!?). Has anyone else's AF been shy after Mirena removal?
Edit: 9/30 I got my first blazing positive OPK today. So that was NOT AF. But also I guess my cycles are still weirdly long?
Edit: 9/30 I got my first blazing positive OPK today. So that was NOT AF. But also I guess my cycles are still weirdly long?