AF won't show her face after IUD Removal?


New member
I recently had my Mirena removed (Sep, 1) after 5 years and we are now actively TTC. I spotted for a couple days after removal (but I also had a pap so was it uterus bleed or just a fun side effect of getting my cervix scraped? The world may never know). I have no idea when I ovulated this month because I didn't get any positives on my OPKs (do faint lines mean I'm close or...??). On Friday (9/25) I had VERY mild spotting (just some color on my tp) and then I had a few spots on a pad Saturday morning. I was excited AF had finally arrived because I just want to be able to start tracking on a fresh month and get a feel for my cycle length/FW (Before Mirena I had irregular heavy cycles). But now I'm doubting whether or not that was actually AF or just some random spotting even though other PMS symptoms were present (cramps, sore breasts, passing gas). I'm still getting negative OPKs, definitely not pregnant (I tested twice - once RIGHT before spotting on Friday and once on Sunday because MaYbE iMpLaNtAtIoN bLeEdInG!?). Has anyone else's AF been shy after Mirena removal?

Edit: 9/30 I got my first blazing positive OPK today. So that was NOT AF. But also I guess my cycles are still weirdly long?
@longwait It took almost 3 months after my iud was removed until I got my first period! I also had a mirena! For an opk to be positive, the test line needs to be just as dark, if not darker than the control line. When my cycles did come back, they were very short. I used fertility friend to track my temp and record OPKs :)
@longwait After stopping ANY hormonal birth control, can it take several months before your cycle normalizes. Breathe. Relax for a little while about TTC and let your body do its thing. I’m 13 months out from stopping BC and really wish I’d waited until I had a period again before actively “trying” because then I would’ve only spent the last 10 months stressed out instead of the last 13 months. You’re still really early on. You probably have nothing to worry about.
@longwait Mine took 3 months to return post mirena removal. It’s not uncommon for it to take weeks/months unfortunately.
Like someone else said, I wish I hadn’t started trying and stressing myself until my period arrived. We are now month 17, but could have saved myself some stress had I not thought about TTC until a bit later. However- the reality is I probably wouldn’t have done that, because I’d probably have thought “it’s worth a try.”
@longwait I just had my mirena IUD removed on Sept. 17th. I'm in the same boat. I've been tracking BBT and doing daily OPKs just to establish some sort of a baseline. Most of these apps don't 'work' properly until you have a first day of last period, but I didn't have a period while I had my IUD. It's definitely made things a struggle to figure out, but it's been less than 2 weeks for me. Not super stressed about TTC currently, but I'm excited to get to know my cycle again since it's been 7+ years since.
@longwait I just had my Mirena IUD removed yesterday (Sep 28) after 5.5 years: didn’t have any periods while I had it in so I have no idea if / when I’d be ovulating. No noticeable spotting after the appointment. My OBGYN told me to “just have fun with your husband and if you’re not pregnant in 6 months, then you can really start actively trying” so I kind of took that to mean, don’t expect anything to happen any time soon.

I bought the home OPKs to see if I can establish any kind of baseline on ovulation. But outside of that, I guess I’ll just wait and see when I get my period.🤞🏻
@longwait I got my mirena removed on CD9 this cycle and AF just arrived for me today (today would’ve been 12dpo if she hadn’t shown up). My dr said it could take a couple cycles for my period to come back and my body to regulate. So it might just take some more time for you 😕

Also opks will always have 2 lines- you need the first line to be darker than the control line for your body to be trying to ovulate.
@longwait Spotting after removal is often due to the cervical irritation. Some people get a withdrawal bleed, some don't. My first cycle post IUD was 37 days for me (normal is more like 29ish), I ended up not ovulating (or at least not being able to identify ovulation), but then I had an absolutely wild period. Truly plum sized clots. I felt them passing through my cervix, I almost passed out at two points during that period. I bled for 6 days for that period. Cycles after that were somewhat fine-ish, but no CM, short luteal phase, and extremely light periods (1-2 days) for the next 6 months, and then around 8 months post Mirena removal I had a cycle where it was like "there is my cycle!!!". Been really normal since that, able to identify fertile CM easily, normal/long luteal phase, and more normal length & heaviness of period (of course not pregnant yet, still working on that part).

I also used to have really heavy irregular periods as a younger person. It has been nice to find out that once I seem to have normalized post IUD, I have normal heaviness of periods and they are quite regular (28-34 days).
@longwait I got my Kyleena removed august third. About two weeks later I got a full period. My next cycle was more normal. I’m only on cycle 2 of TTC but it does seem to be getting back to “normal”
@longwait I got my mirena out one week ago. The Gyn said to give it 6 weeks and then call back if I didn’t have a period by then. Not sure what they would say or do at that point, but that was her take on a normal time to call back, and I’m a shy person so I appreciate knowing when it “isn’t weird to call” :)

I had mine for 5.5 years and read about how the hormones released by the iud drop over time so I would guess that someone getting a newer one out might have a different experience since they are coming off of a different drug dose. But that’s really just my guess. There is also just a huge range of post-IUD experiences in this sub since every uterus is it’s own world. My gyn and I did commiserate for a bit about how the iud manufacturers don’t give you the whole story of what to expect so patients never know what’s normal. I loved mine but it caused some surprise problems too...

I also had spotting for about 4 days after removal, and the doc mentioned that she could see it starting when she removed the iud and it was not a period, it was more from jostling. She said it was quite normal. I just starting seeing different CM and think that’s another indicator of things coming back online. I realized I hadn’t really gotten a full show of it in half a decade 😱😅
@samanthalynn My doctor said to call back if my period doesn't return in 2 months. She stated she would do a cycle of Provera to induce it. Maybe this is what your doctor is planning to do?
@longwait It can take a while for your period to return after a Mirena. I had mine taken out on June 9th, had some spotting the week after, but didn’t actually get a real period until almost mid July (started spotting on the 7th, and after a couple days started bleeding properly).
@longwait I took my Mirena out on the 7Sep. Had a withdrawal bleed 3 days later. I took OPKs to see if I was ovulating as I was due to. Nothing... I took Plan B to speed up my period. Bled for 8 days and ovulation occurred on day CD13/14. Now we just wait...