Advice needed regarding Pre-k options and new baby!


New member
Right now I'm a (mostly) SAHP for my 2.5ish year old, I do freelance occasionally and since we have no family around we currently have them in day care 2 full days a week. However, we are having another baby and due in the fall. I realized I don't think I can handle the schedule we currently have, and have two options for new Pre-k's and need help choosing! I'm hoping someone can weigh in with insight.

(A) One of the Pre-k's is a 5 minute walk from our apartment (we rent a 2 bed, so will need to move at some point) and it's $1625 a month with a 700 dollar a year fee and the hours would be 9-3 every day.

(B) The other Pre-k is a co-op and around a 20 minute (but very pleasant - on a walking path) walk away. However the hours are 1-6, BUT it's $1,000 a month and we would have to contribute 30 hours a year helping the school (coming in to do laundry, or maintenance etc.)

Overall, they both seem great and pretty even. I only slightly prefer the co-op because it's so charming and has been around a long time, but the other pre-k was warm and lovely too.
@ccmrockman Okay so if you're moving, are you still going to be walking your 2.5yo to school? And if you do walk them to school every day you might consider how that will go over with an infant.
@ccmrockman I freelance also! I'll have 2 under 2 in the fall and we have also been looking for something like this. My thoughts: $1600+ a month is A LOT but it is almost full time. I am not sure I would go for the 1-6 option even if it's cheaper because I get my best work done and am most productive in the morning. If that's not an issue for you, I would say go for the afternoon one. Also nap for your 2.5 year old - would they still offer a nap in the afternoon option? Just thoughts.
@ccmrockman What a rough spot to be in. That’s almost 7k difference. I assume you’re the one that’s going to be dropping off and picking up your toddler.

If money isn’t an issue, I would choose option A because it’s only five minutes away and I wouldn’t have to volunteer.

I never worked with a newborn AND a toddler but I would want the easiest solution for me.

Congratulations and good luck!