Advice needed on mid cycle spotting


New member
I've been doing IVF since 2019 and TTC since 2016 with ZERO pregnancy. I did stims in the beginning of cycle and got cancelled due to poor response.

Today is CD 15 and I started spotting last night and this morning. The blood is brown and red but it's not a flow. I can only see the blood when I wipe and pee. I also do BBT tracking and it looks like my temperature rose on CD 12 suggesting ovulation. But the temperature dropped on CD 14 and rose again on CD 15. See chart:
I have also been taking BCP and Estrace to lower FSH starting CD 7 for about a week now. Weaning off it this week.

I took LH tests at home and it looks like it is starting to go down from CD 13 onwards. See test strips:
HPT is negative.

Not sure if this is anything of concerned or what is causing the mid-cycle spotting and temp drop? Any insight is appreciated. I also wrote to my nurse and is waiting for feedback.

Thanks, friends!
@anxioussleeper Following for advice!

Today is CD 12, and I haven't ovulated yet that I know of. Tests the past 2 days have been negative. Today, I wiped and had some brown/red blood. Not sure if I ovulated early, or what's going on. Pregnancy test was negative.
@lorimilne I did some research and it looks like BCP can cause breakthrough bleeding after stopping for three days.

It'll help to reset and regulate cycle.

If you took BCP and stopped like I did, that's probably what is happening.

Ovulation doesn't have to occur for breakthrough bleeding.