Absolutley crappy U.S. materinity leave and FMLA... what are my options?

@nancyeab What state are you in? Please update the post because it varies by state.

Nevermind, I see you said CO in a comment. That's not one of the six PFL states.
@nancyeab Check your state’s individual FMLA laws. I know that in CT, it’s actually even more prohibitive and restrictive than federal.

NJ has amazing FMLA, as does NY (I live in Fairfield County CT and work in NY), where it’s paid family leave.
@nancyeab I work in a non-profit and we have the same language. Luckily I’m in a state with partially-paid disability and family leave.
Non-profits can be weird places with a different work structure. If you’re comfortable, you could ask your director for a meeting and ask if there’s and possibility for change in the manual.
You may also be able to appeal to your board for a partially or fully paid leave of absence.
Good luck!