Abdominal X-ray early pregnancy


New member
Hello, hope all is well with whoever this message finds! My wife just found out she is pregnant and we are so excited. She found out 9/27/23. Unfortunately she has been having issues with her back and ribs. On 9/22/23 she went and got X-rays at doctors request. Before she went in on 9/22/23 she tested herself and she was not pregnant. The X-ray technician couldn’t get the X-rays correct and took approximately 10 X-rays of her abdomen. She is quite thin (read online that depending on size more radiation is used). Her HCG level is 1200, and paperwork stated she is approximately 5 weeks pregnant. The app on her phone she is using to track things states she is 3 weeks pregnant. Again, we are freaking out. Is there anything anyone can add to this? Is there any reassurance that we should be fine? From what I have read online this should not affect the fetus due to the mSv level of the X-rays being between .001-0.1 and only levels of 100mSv or more can pose risks.
@juniah Yes, I messaged over 10-15 doctors on instagram and fadebook right after I made this post and a few reassured me that the Xray will not affect the pregnancy due to the low levels of radiation. We’ve had appointments with the OB and the OB also said that it wouldn’t affect the baby. We are 14.5 weeks along and the baby is healthy!