Abdominal cramps while running / exercising?


New member
Hi all

context - 16w pregnant. I'm pretty fit but not a huge exerciser, I more walk up stairs in my daily life, or go hiking, than go to the gym. I do typically run a mile once or twice a week, but some months I'm bad about it.

I was able to do short runs (1 mi) about twice a week even during 1st tri, and 2 3-mi runs then too. My usual pace is around 9 min / mi but during 1st tri it was more like 10 or 10:30, then back to 9:30 around 11w.

All my life I've not been very flexible, had weak core muscles, and had strong arms & legs. Once I started rock climbing in college I quickly got good at that and pullups. I have started doing side planks for core muscles now, but I think once you're pregnant there's really not much to do about your abs due to risk of separation.

OK so:

At 13w I started getting abdominal pain, maybe round ligament pain. I was not stretching at all. I went for a run but 1/2 mi in I had lower-abdomen cramps that reminded me of the dull muscle pain I get in my lower abdomen and thighs around menstruation. I walked back.

That week I had the same crampy thing happen during a 1-mi walk.

The next week I started doing torso stretches for RLP, and (coincidentally?) went on a ~2.5-mi walk no problem.

I had a 15w OB appointment, not my regular OB and this woman mostly deals with young women (not me) who had an easy time getting pregnant (not me) and uncomplicated pregnancies (me, as far as i know). I asked her about exercise and she said exercise is good, running is fine if I want to and definitely not dangerous, and that I'd be more comfortable with a belly band. She also recommended going in person to a maternity store to get a belly band and I'm like lolz, I have friends in NY who got sick w covid and who lost family members, my mom is older, I am not going in person to a store. I like this dr in general but I think this paragraph captures my, well, cultural differences with her. In June I'll be back to my regular OB who's used to late-30s women, and I can message her next week.

I have had a bump since about 13w; I assume this is because of the weak core muscles.

I kept stretching. Last week I went for a short run. So refreshing.

Today I went for a run and fkn 0.3 miles in there are the cramps. It did help to put pressure on my lower abdomen (very low abdomen). I hadn't stretched today. I thought it was colon discomfort but I don't seem to need to poo. I do feel a little queasy now.

Thanks to anyone who read all this!! My questions are:

- Does anyone have experience with this kind of pain being relieved / prevented by a belly band giving some pressure on the lower abdomen? I thought it was more for bouncing type discomfort.

- Any recommendations on where I can get good info on running not being dangerous, or (more important) good info on when it might be?

- Did anyone get cramps that seemed connected to not stretching / round ligament pain?

Thank you all for sharing any experience you've had.
@seditthis Obviously not medical advice and just speaking from personal experience, but some menstrual-like cramping can be very normal during exercise. Happened to me a lot during month 4-5 and now that I’m 8 months pregnant it happens usually immediately after exertion during my cool down. I don’t really have anything that helps it aside from I practice focusing on my breathing figuring that’s good prep for labor. I do not feel that a belly band helped with this though I do think it helped me with low back pain. The book “The Pregnant Athlete” is super helpful for these sorts of questions and assured me this is totally normal! Good for you for keeping it up :) I’m pretty much just at walking now but trying to remind myself any activity is good for baby.
@seditthis A bit of tmi, but I've been experiencing similar while running and I've decided to chalk it up to gas pain. It always happens .5-.75 miles in, and if I pass gas, it helps.
@seditthis Yep I get this too. I have chalked it up to overworking my lower abs. They’re already working hard, stretched out, and then on top of it running will fatigue them even more. I usually will get the discomfort about 2/3-3/4 of the way through my workout and it will persist for the next day or so. I thought it was RL pain too for a while but then I got actual RL pain and it didn’t feel the same. This feels like muscle pain or cramps and RL was more stabbing. For reference I’m 26+ weeks along.