
New member
I live right by corn and bean fields and my allergies are kicking my ass harder than ever.

Is there anything I can take to help with this before I die?

Edit: asking because I was seeing mixed things on Google about what I can and can’t take.
@x_miar_x My doctor says zyrtec is fine. Also benadryl which can help you sleep at night. I would call your doctor's office and ask. I have horrendous allergies and have several epi pens on stand by. We live on a 100 acre farm with cotton wood trees and chickens. I feel for you! I have also mixed up my allergy meds so one or two weeks I took a certain pill but the next I would do a different one.

Try to shower daily (get that dust and pollen off you), wash your bedding often especially your pillow, no outside clothes in the bed, and try to have local honey to slowly introduce the pollen in your body. Be mindful of rubbing your eyes after touching any animals. Keep flowers out of your house. Catch up on dusting. Keep windows closed! Also an air purifier or humidifier might be beneficial. Sorry if you didn't want all this info or if you already know it. I just have been sick from allergies every year my whole life and know the suffering.