95th Percentile at 20 weeks

I just had my anatomy scan at 20w3d and the doctor said she's measuring about 2 weeks ahead or in the 95th percentile. I started out the pregnancy at 300 and I'm currently 303 following the nutritionist's recommended carb diet (I failed my 1 hour GD but passed my 3) and will retake in about 4 weeks or so, so I was concerned thats what was causing the size but the doctor said that everything was proportional to each other and not just a large stomach. Phew!

Am I destined to have a large baby? She's my first; all of my siblings were 8+ as were my mother in law's. I'm 5'5" and my husband is 5'8" and low 200s.

The doctor also brought up the possibility that my original dating could have been incorrect when I got my ultrasound at 7 weeks. My periods were just everywhere once I went off of BC and impossible to accurately guess when I was ovulating.

I really don't want to have a c-section if she's too big but now I'm a little freaked out haha. Obviously I'm going to be monitored moving forward and they're going to keep an eye on this but has this been the case for anyone else?
@quickbiblicalportraits The measurements are often a guess. At my last ultrasound (35 weeks I think?) they said my baby was about 7.5lbs and estimated he would be over 10lbs when he was born. The dr at the ultrasound said that it was an estimate at best so not to worry.

My son was born a few days ago vaginally and was slightly over 8lbs. So larger but not this shockingly big baby they thought he’d be.

My mom was also told that I was estimated to be about 12-13lbs so they scheduled a C-section almost a month early because of that. I was born weighing 5.6lbs. So I wouldn’t stress too much about it especially just yet. They try to do their best but the measurements aren’t always 100% accurate.
@jpocd Ultrasound measurements at 20 weeks are fairly accurate. It’s ultrasounds in the third trimester than can be approximately 1lb off in either directions (+-15%). Mostly because as the baby gets bigger it’s hard to measure accurately.
@quickbiblicalportraits My baby was considered somewhere above 95th percentile around that time, and they said its not always accurate, but babe ended up coming out at 9.1 lbs and 99th percentile in head circumference. I gave birth vaginally and baby's head got stuck so they had to cut me aaaaaaaall the way through to be able to push baby out. The recovery was brutal.

One doctor floated the possibility of a c-section but by the time it came close to due date, they were like "nah, you'll be fine vaginally." I have no clue if I would've preferred a c-section or not as I've never had one, but I will say giving birth to a large headed baby was not great haha.

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