

New member
  1. So I’m 9.5 weeks. Did you guys do any sort of educational course online for how to safely lift? Still training normal and practice exhale with exertion. Doing mamastefit of course and was wondering if I needed more (also planning on doing birth ed course)
  2. I was tracking macros before aiming for slightly lower than maintenance because I was being more flexible on the weekends. Well I gained a lot with IVF and my hunger increased so I caved and gave myself permission to eat more even though I theoretically don’t need more according to the internet, and I try to also include foods I’m craving like sweets etc and will be mindful… I still track just to see when I land and it’s 2100-2400 cals (vs 1800ish prior) and I can’t help but feeling a little guilt or nervous. The idea is to not necessarily increase throughout trimesters. I try to tell myself the “worst” had already happened (I gained a lot of weight quickly with IVF and gained almost 10lbs and I’m only 9 weeks ) so I should just fucking relax especially being so active.. (lifting heavy still 4x and steps 12-15k) but I’m still having fear and guilt.
@paulamasu I don’t have any technical advice for either of your questions, however I will offer the following: If you are not already in therapy to help with anxiety/stress now would be a great time to start. It’s normal to want to be cautious about your weight gain, but it seems like you are doing everything right to take care of yourself. If eating to nourish yourself and your baby is causing you anxiety and specifically fear/guilt, it might be time to take a deeper look at things and figure out why you are having those feelings.
@auvrey THIS! I struggled with anxiety during pregnancy, but postpartum hormones and being responsible for a baby has made it so much worse. I wish I had gone to therapy beforehand, not only because I'm struggling, but also because I now have to find someone to look after my baby while going to therapy. If you feel like you need it and it's possible for you, get therapy now. Your future self will thank you
@paulamasu The phrase “theoretically I don’t need more according to the internet” is bullshit.

I get so annoyed when people say that, because the idea that we’re going to increase our blood volume, grow a placenta, some extra fat for maintenance, and grow a baby on our “maintenance calories” leads to so much guilt. Sane with the idea that you’re only supposed to gain 20-30 pounds. During pregnancy your body needs more energy and more nutrients.

Your body isn’t stupid, feeling hungry usually means that you need more energy.