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Hi everyone, I am currently 6 weeks pregnant, I have booked a viability scan for 8 weeks 4 days, im assuming I’ll probabaly have to have a transvaginal scan due to it being so early. Can someone let me know what happens in these appointments as it’s a first for me and if you could see anything on the scan? I’m also a plus size gal, so a bit worried if they don’t do a transvaginal scan then they won’t pick up baby through a typical ultrasound.
@thundergirl96 Sometimes they will try an abdominal first and then do a transvaginal if they can't see it, and sometimes they will start off with a transvaginal. I doubt they would just do an abdominal ultrasound and then give up if they can't see anything.

What I could see at 8 weeks was just like a little bean with maybe a head and a body and not the clearly identifiable baby you can see later. They should be able to hear a heartbeat at that age, but if they can't find it they will probably have you come back in a week or two to try again.
@thundergirl96 I had a scan at almost the exact same gestation and they went straight for the transvaginal. My experience was it being a bit thicker than a heavy flow tampon and only inserted a couple of inches in. I was surprised it didn't need to be higher! They got a lovely clear picture and could see little bub and the heartbeat all fine. Mine was at a private clinic in the UK for extra context :)
@thundergirl96 my OB office said at my 6 week scan that it's standard practice to do both external and internal ultrasounds when it's early, regardless of weight.

they should be able to see a little jelly bean shaped blob on the screen, and see the heartbeat - I don't believe it will be baby shaped yet.

the transvaginal ultrasound isn't awful, just uncomfy. I'd recommend wearing a skirt if possible, to make access easier - when I wore a skirt I was asked to remove undergarments, and it made it easier to do so in the bathroom and walk back to the exam table to get under the sheet, vs wearing sweatpants the tech left the room and I disrobed the lower half and was under the sheet with no other coverage. (which was also fine, just more annoying.) the tech should use a ton of lubricant, and the techs at my office always offer to let me guide the probe in myself, which I found really helpful w/ minimizing discomfort! you can always ask to do so if they don't offer. after that, it's just a lot of pressure as they move around, but no pain. it's definitely a weird feeling and can be uncomfortable but it's extremely manageable, especially when distracted by seeing the baby! for me the worst part was always trying to get all the jelly off my legs after, haha.

good luck!!
@thundergirl96 At 8 weeks yes it will likely be a vaginal ultrasound. Even for non-plus size women, at that gestation it’s usually a vaginal ultrasound.

Your doctor will talk to you about your LMP and any history, they’ll take your vitals(weight, blood pressure, probably urine), then do the ultrasound. Your doctor may also do a quick physical exam with a speculum, to take a look at your cervix and such.

My first one was 7w6d and we were able to see two clearly defined sacs with little peanuts in them, and measure heart rates.
@thundergirl96 I had a scan that was 8 weeks LMP but baby was measuring 7 weeks (I ovulate late). The tech did it just fine as an abdominal scan.

I’m in canada though and trans vaginal ultrasounds are not common unless there is a reason to utilize in cases of high risk, placental position, etc.
@thundergirl96 I had a transvaginal scan at 6 weeks and an abdominal scan at 9ish weeks. You're likely to see a little blob with some arms! We were able to see the heartbeat both times, but sometimes it's not as easily visible earlier on- you should be able to see it given your gestation.

I was surprised that they had absolutely no issue finding the baby with the abdominal scan- I had heard that it can be more difficult for plus size women, but it didn't end up being an issue for me. You can always call ahead and ask what type of scan they are planning to do, and you could always request a transvaginal if you are more comfortable with that.

If you haven't had a transvaginal scan before, try not to be nervous! They're not painful (although they can be a little uncomfortable), and you can ask to insert the wand yourself if you prefer. Once they find the baby, they'll do a bunch of measurements to figure out how far along you are and estimate a due date. After the ultrasound, you may talk with a nurse to get detailed medical history from you and your partner, so it's best to have them come with you or give you the details so you can answer those questions. Sometimes that stuff is handled in a separate appointment, but it depends on the doctor.

Good luck! Hope everything goes well!
@thundergirl96 Just realized the rules of this sub states we cannot post images, but if you want I can send them to you. I have a transvaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks and a standard abdominal ultrasound at 8 weeks. Whichever they do, you’ll be able to see something!